Hidden Secrets

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I widen my eyes in disbelief. I sure hope this is only a nightmare, but it's far more dreadful. It's reality. I can't let him know that I'm immune to the elixir. There is only one other option...

I wipe my hand on my pants, saying, "I accidentally marked myself with a pen. Sorry." He simply nods his head, dismissing the conversation.

I'm glad he didn't question me further. However, his eyes are telling me he doesn't believe me. I don't blame him. The scratch looked nothing like a pen mark.

I'm actually surprised at myself. Lying is something I am never good at. Of course I lie, everyone does; But I'm despicable at coming up with lies under pressure. Also, I don't like the guilt lies give me. Guilt can break the strongest person.

"Miss Swift," Dr. Evan says, interrupting my thoughts. "Clean this office."

"But--" Before I could further protest, he was gone.

I grab the office chair and take a seat. I admire the different colors splashed against the office walls. His office resembles a rainbow. This surprises me since he is bitter. I imagine friendlier and happier people with colorful offices; not Dr.Evans. My eyes come across a crocked picture frame. Odd, since Dr. Evans is OCD. I walk up to the frame, removing it from the wall.


I was expecting a secret passage way or something.

Disappointed, I returned the frame, straightening it up against the wall. I heard the frame make a clicking sound. The frame was a safe... For keys? What's so significant about a set of keys?

Maybe, it's not the keys itself, but what the keys unlock!

I grab the keys and stuff them in my lab coat for safe keeping.

What could these keys possibly unlock? A door? Another safe? His car?

I sure hope it's not his car keys. If these are his car keys, I would be risking my job for nothing. He would probably fire me if he caught me snooping.

Besides, why would he hide car keys?

Dr. Evans is hiding something. Something he obviously doesn't want to share publicly or at least with me.

I hear a sound come from outside the office. I immediately freak out. I look around the room and see the hidden safe I found moments ago. I slam the safe shut and dart out of the room.

I'm well aware of the noise I caused slamming the secret safe so violently. When I'm under pressure, I do some foolish things.

I dig my hands in my pockets feeling for the keys I recently discovered. My pockets are empty. My stomach drops through my butt and my heart beats violently inside my chest. Without thinking, my feet involuntarily carry me back into Dr. Evans office.

"Miss Swift," Dr. Evans said. "The room looks well cleaned."

I nearly chuckle. I did absolutely nothing, but snoop.

"My pleasure," I say, swallowing my laughter. I glance down at his hands and find what I came back for; the keys.

I need those keys.

"You're locking up."

"I'm what?"

"You're locking up this building."

He throws me the keys that I found earlier. My heart drops. I lurked around his office for the building keys. Just great. Please note the sarcasm.

Dr. Bed head gathers his things and escorted me out of his office.

He's still keeping secrets. I can smell it from a mile away.

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