I Love You, Taylor Alison Swift

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I am terrified. He is aware of my prying.

I don't understand why he told me, 'I know too much.' Don't I have a right to know that somebody is watching me?

Not only that, he took the seatbelt. For all I know, he might be aware of my immunity to the elixir.

Should I even go to work?

It was risky to go in the first place, but now going to work will be dangerous.

I'm not going to work. I'm quitting tomorrow. I no longer care about the brilliant plan I have constructed earlier this month. I'm quitting tomorrow and that is final.

I jump on to my bed, hitting the soft surface of my mattress. I snatch the nearest pillow and place it under my head. I shift my body to a comfortable position and attempt to rest.


"You can't quit your job, Ally! Go to work now!" the distant voice shouts.

"Daisy? Is that you?" I ask as I walk towards the pale figure.

The pale figure turns around to face me. Gasping, I run over to her and give her a hug.

It is Daisy.

I close my eyes as I savor the moment laid right before me.

"You have grown," Daisy says. She wipes her eyes with her hands. She looks deathly pale and is wearing a black, laced dress.

"What happened to you?" I ask.

"Wake up and go to work, sweetie. You might think your safest at your house, but you really aren't. Don't quit your job and go to work," she says, ignoring my question.

"You're my imagination? This is all a dream?" I cry.

"No, I'm not your imagination. I'm only in your dream to warn you," she replies.

"If you aren't a mirage, then how can you get inside my mind?"

She falls silent. She finally decides to reply, "I'm almost dead. Not physically, but mentally."

"W-What?" I stutter.

"My time here is limited."

"I've got all day."

"I don't."

"Who did this to you?" I question.

"I really don't want to discuss--"

"Who did this to you?" I cry. My question echoes through-out the white, never-ending room.

"You did this to me!" she hisses.

Her sudden mood change shocks me. I feel my knees buckle and my throat enclosing.

"What? What are you talking about?" I ask as my heart melts into a puddle.

"Because I was too busy taking care of you, I couldn't protect myself!" she barks. All the vibrant colors in her eyes dim into dullness. She looks unrecognizable.

"You don't mean that!" I shout, fighting away the bitter tears lurking behind my eye lids.

"I mean every word. You just can't handle the truth. Never could. I protected you from the day they dragged me in for questioning, until the day they took me in the lab for experimentation."

"I thought you said everything that happened to you was my fault. I wasn't the one experimenting on you!"

"True, but you are the reason I was in there in the first place," she snarls.

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