"He's my friend"

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We have arrived in Alaska where my brother lives. I have no idea why, but I feel a hint of anger towards him. I imagine my anger towards him is due to his absence in my life. Never in my entire life has he tried to contact me.

The drive to Alaska feels like an eternity. During our trip, Ed had to drive a couple of times just so I could rest, eat and take a break. Ed doesn't do any of those things besides sleeping. However, he never is tired, he just dreams. Sleep isn't necessary for his health.

I'm driving at the moment; Ed is rhythmically tapping his fingers across the glass window.

"You seem quiet," Ed points out.

"Just tired," I lie.

I'm not tired at all, actually. I'm just not looking forward to meeting my brother, Austin.

"You're not tired," Ed says as if he could read my mind.

"Okay, you caught me. I lied. I'm just not looking forward to meeting Austin. That's all."

"He's your brother, Taylor. You aren't the slightest bit curious to see him?" he questioned.

"Maybe a little," I admit. "Not enough to live with him temporarily."

Ed sighs and looks out the window. I keep my eyes set upon the long, boring road. I hate driving.

"We are almost there," Ed says, looking down at the information Matthew gave us. "Why is this in a different language?" Ed asks. I quickly glance at the journal that is in his hands and turn back to the road.

"I don't know. It must be important if Matthew sent it with us," I reason.

Ed nods as my stomach roars like a lion.

"Not again," Ed complains.

"I am hungry, okay? I can't go all day with out a bite to eat," I grumble. "We are almost there, 's unfortunately," I add.

Even at my hungry state, I don't want to live with my brother.

"Is there anymore marshmallow cakes?" I ask.

Ed nods and hands me the sticky, yellow, crunchy, delicious-- I'm hungry, okay! Haters going to hate!

I snatch the treat out of his hands and devour it in one bite, licking my fingers afterward.

Ed laughs then asks, "what is that?"

"It's a marshmallow cake, but Daisy used to call them Rice Crispy Treats. Sadly, this isn't an actual Rice Crispy, it's just a homemade one."

"Who's Daisy?"

I frown, not wanting to talk about her.

"A person."

I grin at my vague answer.

"How did you make that without resources?"

Daisy taught me how to sneak, grow, and rummage, I wanted to say, but I remain quiet. Daisy taught me how to survive. Without her, I'd be dead. And I would know nothing about the past before the elixir was created.

Simply thinking of Daisy's name is enough to create another tear in my heart. I don't intend on discussing my past with Ed; not yet anyway. Besides, he rarely told me anything about his childhood. All I know is he isn't originally from America.

"You can tell me anything, ya know?" he says.

"I really don't want to talk about it," I sigh. "I think we're here."

I place the car in park and slam the car door as I exit.

The air is bitterly cold and the mountains stretch from all around. Out of the corner of my eye, Ed presses a silver button against the gate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2015 ⏰

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