Secrets Kill

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This is creepy!

This is creepy!

This is creepy!

I study the horrific files in front of my face. Every single paper inside of this file is about me. Photographs, old newspaper articles, written notes, and information about myself.

I observe the photograph closely; looking at the photograph makes me wonder where it was taken. Scanning the picture, I find a bird bath. Not just any bird bath, but the bird bath that is in my front yard. Whoever made this file has been watching me on my own property.

I was violated; I am violated. All of this time I have been watched, and I've been oblivious to it all. The question is: who is watching me?

The why is very evident and clear. Whomever is watching me knows about me. They know how I'm different. They either is planning on killing me or experimenting on me. After watching what they did to Ed, I want no part of their experiments. Although, if they catch me, I will have no choice.

By looking at my file, I can tell they know almost everything about me; including information about my parents. Curiosity consumes me, so I take a peek at the information about them.

I skim through the information, and come to find that my parents are dead. The cause of their deaths, however, is not written down. Of course, another mystery lurking about. Scott and Andrea were my parents names. Never will I have the chance to call them mom and dad.

My eyes catch the word 'sibling' on my basic information page, which I skipped earlier. I observe closer, reading the name to myself.

Austin Lee Swift.

I have a brother. I smile as I search to see if he is still alive; he is. I also find out that he is younger than me. Luckily he isn't much younger or he would have never been born.

I glance at the clock; 7:50 a.m. Time flies by when you are engrossed into what you're doing. I swiftly dress for work, throw my hair up, and hop into my vehicle.

Staring at my seatbelt, I contemplate whether or not I should keep it. The seatbelt draws attention, yet it also keeps me safe from harm. I still remember Daisy telling me, "Never forget who you are. And never keep your guard down."

With all of my strength, I pull on the seatbelt, I pull on the seatbelt, departing it from my vehicle. I exit my car, enter my garden, and hide the seatbelt behind my berry bushels.

Arriving at work, I rush inside expecting to see busy employees, but nobody is insight.

"Hello! Anybody here?" I ask, wandering around the spacious lobby.

"I am!" I could hear the smirk in his voice; Dr. Evans. "I didn't expect you to be here rather early."

"Early?" I question.

"You don't think four-thirty in the morning is early?" he laughs.

I glare at the clock against the wall; he is right, it's four-thirty.

"Sorry, I didn't know it was four-thirty in the morning. I thought it looked rather dark outside, but I still came," I say, picking at my coat sleeve. "I'm going to go. I'll come back--"

"Stay," Dr. Evans interrupts. "We need to discuss some things."

I gulp, acknowledging that this 'discussion' might be about how I am different.

"Of course," I croak, sounding pitiful.

"Come along, Ms. Swift."

He motions me to follow him and I do so. We end up in his office; I sit in a comfortable chair in front of his desk. We sit in silence, until I break it.

"Is there something to discuss? If not, then I will leave."

"No," he says. "You're not going anywhere."

"Okay," I say, looking down at my lap.

"What did you see?" Dr. Evans asks.

I furrow my eyebrow; I'm utterly confused.

"Pardon?" I question.

"Don't play dumb, Ms. Swift."

"My name is Taylor! Stop calling me 'Ms. Swift'! I have told you over and over, I prefer Taylor!" I hiss.

"Stop changing the subject," Dr. Evans states quite calmly. "I saw you last night in the control room."

"How did you--"

"How did I know?" Dr. Evans finishes my question for me. "I saw you behind a cabinet when I walked in. Now, finish my question; what did you see?"

"I saw on the monitor some scientists performing a experiment on--" I almost say Ed, but I stop myself. "a red headed man."

"Curiosity killed the cat, Ms. Swift." Dr. Evans reclines farther in his chair. "Before this all happened, my mom read me stories as a young child. And yes, I am quite older than you. Anyways, the main characters all die tragically due to them getting involved."

I shift uncomfortably in my chair. His words anger me, yet they terrify me as well.

"Secrets will get you killed!" I yell, without truly thinking my actions through.

Dr. Evans simply rolls his eyes and mumbles, "Touché."

I smirk, feeling satisfied with my snappy come back.

"Go home. You need to get ready," Dr. Evan says.

"Get ready?"

"Yes, get ready. I'm coming over for an interview."

"Interview? I already had an interview."

"This is an interview for a position as a scientist. Please, Ms. Swift, wear something nice. I don't want to arrive with you looking like that," He growls, pointing up and down my body.

I frown, looking down at my body. I don't look bad. He is trying to make himself feel better.

"Please, Mr. Evans, do something about your hair. I don't want you entering my house looking like Chewbacca," I mock, pointing at his untamed head of hair.

It feels good to finally speaking my mind.

"You have the day off. Don't forget that I'm arriving at seven," Dr. Evans snarls.

"I will not forget," I smirk, leaving Dr. Evans behind in his office.

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