Risky Business

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IMPORTANT AUTHOR'S NOTE AT THE END!!!! I hope you enjoy this chapter!


My stomach drops completely and my eyes glue themselves to the screen. My heart is practically racing out of my chest.

This video will expose what I have been hiding for so long.

I can't let this happen. I won't.

The fire alarm.

I quickly glance from side to side, hoping to see a fire alarm near by. I see one, but to my dismay, it's at the end of the hallway. I run for it anyways with my sweaty bangs clinging on to my skin. I sprint all the way until my hand clutches the handle and pulls it down.

The alarm goes off and commotion erupts in the conference room. I run back to the frame of the door and realize I am too late. Despite the alarm, everyone's eyes are stuck to the video. The room is filled with people angrily chanting my name and calling me bitter names and throwing objects at the screen. The room is so noisy and chaotic, it's very possible that they can't hear the alarm. The video displays my bloody hand and the shattered glass strewn across the marble floor. My attempt to put an end to my exposure failed. They all know. They all want me dead.

Dr. Evans glances in my direction. He discreetly mouths, "meet me in my office."

I nod at him with tears stinging in my eyes and bitter insults clouding in my ears. I distance myself from the room behind me. The closer I get to Dr. Evans office, the farther away I get from chaos.


I'm scared beyond description.

Hiding underneath Dr. Evans's desk, does not give me relief at all. Covering my ears does not make the distant insults vanish and closing my eyes will not help me escape. The fire alarm is no longer ringing in my ears, but the haunting insults are still jumping around in my brain, taunting me.

Suddenly, I hear the door creak open. I hug my knees tighter as I hear footsteps creeping towards the desk. I close my eyes and hold my breath, hoping this nightmare would disappesoon.


I exhale all of the worries. It's Dr. Evans.

"Dr. Evans!" I came out from under the marble desk and hug him. "I never have been so happy to see you!"

"Pulling the fire alarm was a smart move. It bought us some time."

I frown at him. "What am I going to do, Dr. Evans? I'm so afraid."

Dr. Evans swiftly goes to his desk. He gets a set of keys within his pocket and unlocks a drawer. He grabs an according folder along with the notebook I stole from him earlier. He puts all the items in his satchel and hands them over to me. "No need to call me 'Dr. Evans', anymore. Just call me 'Matthew'. It sounds less formal." Matthew smiles at me. "The notebook is not in English, but I think you know that already. Leave Tennessee and go to Alaska. That's where you'll find your brother. Everything you need to know is in that satchel. Always keep an eye after it."

Dr. Evans-- I mean Matthew, crouches over an air duct behind his desk and pries it open. "Taylor, this air duct leads to where Ed is located. Please be careful and safe," he says avoiding eye contact.

I stare at him for a short, few seconds. The war inside my head explodes, constant debates on whether or not I should trust him with my life.

What options do I have? For once, I must take a leap of faith and trust blindly.

I wrap my arms around him and he hesitates before returning the hug.

I crawl into the air duct, my elbows pulling my body across the cold metal surface and I'm about ten feet into the shaft. I hear the echoes of the grate falling into place, concealing my hiding place. I clutch the bag tighter and crawl deeper within the air duct. My face is a sponge, soaking up all the dreadful sweat. I wipe the sweat off with the back of my hand, but I still feel like I jumped into a lake.

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