The Confidental Files

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The room is silent. The only illumination in this room is the twinkling machine lights and the television screen, which was still playing live surveillance. The two scientists have left about ten minutes ago.

My heart is swollen with guilt. Everything that has happened to Ed is my fault.

On the screen, Ed is out-cold, strapped into an examination table and thousands of wires connected to a computer. Ed is squirming on the table, still in deep sleep. He is fidgeting almost as if he was dreaming. Which is impossible for everyone, but me. People don't have dreams anymore. The elixir has taken that away from everyone as well as many other things. Of course people still sleep, but never do they dream.

I'm paralyzed. My feelings have numbed my entire body and my eyes are stinging with tears. What I witnessed an hour ago was beyond unethical, and heart shattering.

What's happened to humanity?

They shoved chemical liquids down his throat, they injected him with needles, and they electrocuted him. It was nearly impossible to watch; I closed my eyes towards the end of the experiments. I don't even know if that was even an experiment; it was more like torture.

I finally muster the energy to move from behind the filing cabinet. With the journal still in hand, I walk over to the rusty filing cabinet. I tug at the bottom drawer and it opens with a great amount of force. I look through the files searching for an 'E' for Ed. I'm uncertain of his last name, hopefully he will be the only Ed. Unfortunely, there are four Ed files. I suppose it could be worse, so I'm not complaining. I contemplate whether I should take all of the Ed files or leave them behind. After a short period of time, I decide to take all of the Ed files; they might have precious information. After all, I have been waiting since I was ten to learn more about him. I grab the Ed files along with a couple of random files, just out of curiosity.

I rush out of the control room and exit the building. After the locking the building, I jog over to my car and I reach in my pockets for my car keys to unlock the door. I slide swiftly into my beat up vehicle while I toss the keys and files onto the passenger seat.

Today was a roller-coaster and I have never felt so nauseated. Dr. Evans almost discovered my cut, I found the building keys hidden behind a picture frame, I possibly picked up Ed's file, and I watched Ed as his body was shot with electric.

I hop out of my car, headed towards the porch. I step on the porch with an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. Anymore, I can never feel safe and alone. I always feel watched. Like I'm some caged animal here for everyones amusement.

I unlock and open my front door; the inside breeze smacks my face, causing my tensed muscles to relax.

Life wasn't always easy for me. In fact, I had to do some things I'm not proud of to get to where I am.

I set the files and composition book beside my bed on my nightstand. I lay down trying to get some sleep.

I can't do this anymore, my thoughts complain.

I've been running forever while most kid's my age don't have a care in the world. Is it bad that I care?

I run to the only person I trust; Daisy.

"Daisy!" I cry, running into the empty library. Only Daisy, the books, and myself occupy this abandoned library. Daisy's hazel eyes sparkled. Daisy reminds me of Belle in 'Beauty and the Beast'. Her hair is brunette and her smile instantly brightens my mood. Belle and Daisy could be twins. Her worried eyes gazed into mine. "They took him!"

Daisy's strong hands hoisted me up into her lap. "Who are you talking about, Ally?"

Daisy calls me 'Ally', similar to my middle name. Daisy told me she was going to name her daughter Ally. Like many of the other woman across the country, Daisy drank the elixir while she was pregnant. So, her daughter didn't make it. Daisy told me she fell asleep in her stomach, but I know what really happened.

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