Chapter 1

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The birds started to chirp when Liam woke up. His hair was tousled in different directions and his blanket was already resting on the floor. The boy got up and grabbed it then proceeded to fold it neatly like his mother taught him. After that, he decided to make his bed. In the middle of doing it, Harry- Mr. Styles, suddenly crossed through his mind. Liam's face turned a light shade of red before someone knocked on the door lightly.

"LiLi, dear. Breakfast is ready.." His mum smiled, beautiful wrinkles on her face were showing even though she is only in her thirties.

"Okay mum. Will dad join us?" Liam asked as he tried fixing his hair with his hands.

"Of course. He's already eating the scrambled eggs, hun. Better go down before you run out of breakfast." Karen giggled lightly before going downstairs.

The caramel-colour haired lad chuckled before going to the bathroom to fix his hair properly this time. He then went down and sat beside his father who was reading a newspaper while holding a cup of tea.

"Morning.." Liam greeted his parents before eating his scrambled eggs in a proper manner just like his father taught him.

"Your mother here said that you walked Dean yesterday." His father said in a rather loud tone before flipping the page of the newspaper he's holding. Liam mumbled a 'yeah' before he ate his bacon.

"I bet he liked it. That dog needs more exercise and love." Karen giggled before drinking all of her coffee. "Alright, I need to go to work." Geoff left his newspaper on the table before standing up and kiss Karen.

"Take care.." Liam's mother kissed back before grabbing all the plates and putting them on the sink in an organized order. "Bye dad.." The lad smiled before hugging his dad tightly. "Take care of your mum. She's getting old." Geoff laughed before grabbing his suitcase and walk outside.

Liam laughed back in reply before going to his mother to help her wash the plates. The chirping of the birds can be heard through the house and the sunlight passed through the windows beautifully. He then suddenly remembered Mr. Styles and not long enough, his ears turned red as an apple. The man was too nice to him and he even said he was cute.

'Will I get to see him later?'

Liam thought before he finished washing the very last plate.

"Will Mrs. Horan be coming..?" The lad asked his mom as he washed his hands thoroughly.

"Yes, later. Maybe you should ask Niall to tag along so you two can walk Dean together." Karen suggested before patting his son's back.

"Okay, thanks mum." Liam smiled and went to sit on their light beige couch. Inviting Niall was a great idea. Now he'll have a companion and plus, someone to bring the garbage bag. The 14 yr. old boy chuckled before reaching for the telephone to dial a certain number.

"Hello..?" Liam spoke up as soon as someone answered the phone.

"Hello, yes?"

"M-May I speak to Niall Horan..?" Liam gulped nervously. Talking over the phone made him a nervous wreck. He always preffered to speak face to face.

"Yeah, this is he." Niall giggled through the other line.

"Hey, this is Liam."

"Oh, hi Lee-yum!" The blonde boy exclaimed.

"So I heard Mrs. Horan is going to go here. Why don't you tag along so we can hang out here?" Liam rubbed the back of his nape.

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