Chapter 25

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The sound of fingers tapping on keyboards, employees walking around and phones ringing echoed through Niall's mind. Truth be told, he preferred to have a boring day rather than something like this. It's been days since his last contact with Triple G so he clearly wasn't prepared for something like this to happen. But it already has and maybe the only way to finish it was to unfold the paper. Niall stood up from his chair and walked to the glass windows of his father's office before looking at the view. It was just scenery of parking lots with a beautiful garden on the side. He slightly tilted his head up to look at the sky. Not long after, Niall finally gets the paper from his pocket; hoping that it would be a short love letter.

"Meet me in the bathroom on the top floor this 12:30pm."

The blond-haired lad looked at his wrist watch and found himself feeling butterflies in his stomach. There was still 2 hours before their meeting, yes but isn't meeting in a bathroom slightly dangerous? His first meeting with Triple G was perilous  since he touched Niall 'down there'- what would he do now? The lad just sighed before returning to his seat. What's funny was even though Niall acted quite tired, he was actually very excited of what was going to happen.


"Let's go have some lunch!" Bobby turned off his monitor to stretch his arms.

Niall just nodded before placing his book on the table. There was still 30 minutes before the meeting and he made sure he'll eat faster than usual then excuse himself to the bathroom. It was hard for him to lie to his father about the funny business he has with Mr. Malik but that just made his excitement bigger. Bobby introduced his son to every employee he encountered before they finally went to the elevator. Both of them walked outside and had a mini chit-chat before reaching the canteen. Niall was ordered by his father to find a table while he buys the food. The lad silently eyed all the employees, looking at their faces and observing their expressions before he felt something in his pocket vibrate. For the first time, he forgot that he had brought his cellphone with him.

"What the fuck Ni." Niall whispered to himself before looking at his new message.

"25 minutes left."

Suddenly, Niall felt shivers through his spine. It felt like Zayn's eyes was piercing through him at the back but when he turned around, no one was there. Although it was a little creepy, he couldn't help but blush at the thought. It was either Triple G was excited to meet him or he was going to get touched again. Either way once the food arrived, Niall ate like a beast. His father looked at him weirdly before taking a bite. "Do you really like the food here much?"

Niall shrugged his shoulders and drank his glass of water. "Kind...of?"

"Well it is better than your mum's cooking. Don't tell her I said that though."

Niall laughed before he felt his phone vibrate again.

"10 minutes."

He tried not to squeak before putting his phone back in his pocket. He conversed with his father for a while before excusing himself. "I'm going to walk outside and maybe go to the bathroom. Is it alright if I text you if I get lost?"

Bobby just nodded his head in reply, "I trust you anyway. I know this lot from front to back so don't be afraid to call."

Niall couldn't believe it was that easy so he slowly walked back to the building. Once he went inside the elevator, he pressed the top floor button. Every employee he encountered inside just looked at him weirdly but Niall just shrugged it off. It took about 3 minutes to reach the floor which was as planned. He then looked for signs to where the bathroom is. He attempted to ask one employee but he ended up hiding because he might get kicked out. Finally he found the bathroom and went inside. There was still a minute left so Niall decided to look at his appearance and maybe compare himself to other teenagers that looked better than him. It's been a habit of his since he met Triple G since he still couldn't believe that someone as beautiful as Mr. Malik would like him.

Not long after, he heard someone locking the door. Just as he looked at the mirror, he saw Triple G walking closer...and closer...and closer.

Zayn put both of his hands over Niall's shoulders and his chin over Niall's head. "How's my favourite doing?"

Niall couldn't help but turn red at his new given nickname before answering in a small tone, "M'fine..."

Zayn just chuckled before his hands travelled down his babydoll's hips. "You look so cute but let me groom you up a little more." He held Niall's sleeves and buttoned them properly and slowly as he looked at the mirror, clearly enjoying his lover's expression. "Never, ever fold your sleeves unless it's necessary.." He whispered near Niall's ear.

Niall hitched his breath before turning more red by the minute. Even though what Triple G is doing looked very simple, he could definitely feel something long and large poking on his back.

Zayn moved his hands on Niall's collar and straightened it, "Always make sure that the collar looks decent so you won't look like a vampire." And then finally, his hands travelled to Niall's necktie. "Never forget to adjust your tie. What you did here is absolutely right.."

The blond-haired lad bit his lip and looked at the floor. He started getting shy because such simple sentences made his ears turn red as an apple. Zayn, on the other hand, just chuckled again before raising Niall's chin.

"Look at me.." Zayn ordered.

Niall looked at the honey-colored eyes he was so familiar with. At first, Mr. Malik pecked him on the lips for the first time, then the second time until they were finally making out. Niall could feel Zayn's tongue e inside his mouth which was a very strange sensation. Before he knew it, he finally let go because he couldn't breathe. He could feel the saliva drooling down his lips and his heart beating fast. Mr. Malik just looked at him intently before smirking.

"I'm your first, aren't I?"

Niall looked away and nodded shyly before covering his lips with his hand.

"Good.." Zayn whispered before biting Niall's ear. "Better go back to your father's office before I do something more. And this time, I won't stop."

The young lad bit his lip before slowly walking away to find his way to the elevator. Anyone would clearly mistake him for having a fever because of how red his cheeks were and how slow he walked. He then went back to his father's office and sat on the chair for the whole day thinking about what happened in the bathroom. 

dedicated to all who created multiple accounts just to vote on the last chapter 
Advanced Merry Christmas!
comment: #favorite for the next chapter !!! 
next update: 80 comments 165 votes 

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