Chapter 10

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Liam looked behind him and saw Niall running away. He mentally face palmed himself and positioned  to go after him but a large hand on his shoulder stopped the lad.

"I got this." Zayn smirked before running towards Niall's direction. He may or may not have a plan in his mind that includes fucking Niall. Liam just nodded before noticing that him and Mr.Styles are finally alone and that thought made him blush.

"So Liam," Harry looked at him with a smile. "I see that you're not walking Dean today."

The young lad chuckled at the joke before returning the smile. "Well N-Niall woke me up early.."

"I see.."

Both of them continued walking slowly, mixing in with the huge crowd that seemed to smell of sweat and hotdogs. But Harry didn't mind, he only thought about how it would be nice holding Liam's hand in this kind of place- how a small hand would fit right in his large ones.

"The-uhm, cupcakes you made me the other day were delicious." He spoke up before looking at him again. "I ate them all in one night."

"O-Oh.." Liam's ears turned bright red. He didn't have a talent in baking but Mr. Styles' compliment was enough for him to improve it or even learn a few recipes. "T-thank you, sir.."

"And I did good in that telecom the other day. Maybe I should get more of that good luck kiss."

The brown-haired lad held the end of his shirt tightly to avoid giggling. The memory of him kissing Mr.Styles on the cheek were still fresh and there would not be a time where he wouldn't scream or squeal. "Uhh, uhm- uh," He stuttered, not knowing what to say next.

Meanwhile, the curly-haired man enjoyed the reaction before ruffling the other's hair and chuckling. "You're really, really cute." Soon enough, Liam's cheeks turned bright red and the feeling of the man's hand on his hair felt like complete heaven.

"I-I can give y-you more if you'd like.." He looked at Mr.Styles.

"You can give it to me now." Harry mused and stopped walking.

"Y-You're too tall, though.." Liam fiddled with his fingers, looking up shyly.

Harry leaned in and Liam kissed him on the cheek. Both felt like wanting to stop the time and stay like that forever but that wouldn't happen. They just stared at each other's eyes before exchanging giggles.

"Wanna eat a cotton candy?" The tall man asked.

"Y-yes, sir." Liam smiled.


On the other hand, Niall stopped before panting heavily as a drop of sweat ran down his neck. Triple G was there and he didn't think that they would meet each other again. Now Liam knows what he looks like and everything just happened so fast before sweet, little Niall could process things. His breathing pace finally returned to normal and he wasn't feeling tired anymore.

But then, a pair of large arms were wrapped around his waist and slowly dragged him from behind. "Why did'ya run away from me?" A deep, raspy voice whispered. Almost immediately, Niall already knew the man behind him and that made the lad's face turn redder.

"I-I... I-I got n-nervous.." He tried his best not to stutter but of course he failed miserably. This seemed to feed Zayn even more, his eyes darkened with lust be he knew he had to wait. As much as he wanted to fuck Niall on the spot, he still knew that the lad was too young.

"You're so fucking adorable..." Zayn whispered through his ear before kissing the side of his head. "Do you know that?"

Niall shook his head vigorously, not knowing what to do. The handsome man had his arms wrapped around him and his kiss made Niall go warmer. Thank god that there were only a few people around and none of them seemed to pay any attention.

"Well you are.." Zayn said with a smirk before holding Niall's hand. "We should go back. They might be looking for us."

The Irish boy just nodded, unable to say anything before they started walking back. Zayn talked about himself and how him and Harry are best of friends. Niall would either nod in response or answer with one word because Zayn's hand tightly hold his.


"Almost fucked him right on the spot, Haz. Al-fuckin'-most."

"I got a kiss, I can't hear you." Harry teased.


yoo, thank you for the votes and comments. early update yeyy! check out my other ziall fics and i'll be releasing a new lirry!

next update: 20 votes and more comments 8^) because it makes me happy

dedicated to Joyous4MB1D for posting a long message on my message board.
here's your update bby, now give me the ziall cupcakes. ily.

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