Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

My mind wouldn't move past the dream I had at Noah's house.

The things I did.

The words I said. 

They were what I wanted to happen, minus the fight and more of the answers I was looking for. 

They were what I knew I couldn't confront so easily. 

I placed my hand in the sand, then let it slip through my fingers. I did that a few times, just feeling it against my hand. Then I put my hand on the sand, finally looking up. I kept my eyes on the waves ahead. The way they pushed and pulled, repeating itself. Sometimes coming closer or not close enough. Kind of like Noah and I. We were close, but not close enough. Also with the information he held, if I figured something out, I came close, but then, there were always others things behind it, so that pushed me away. Just like these waves.

I leaned forward, hugging my legs. I dug my toes into the sand and looked down. I closed my eyes, listening to the sound of the waves, and seagulls that flew above or near me. I smiled to myself. I missed relaxing like this.

One of the seagulls landed next to me. It's beady eyes staring right at me. I brought my arm by it to shoo it away, but it only hopped back a step. I did it over and over, but it stood there.

"Is Asher here?" I asked the bird. But it only tilted its head to side, still watching me. "What am I doing? You can't talk and you probably don't understand me." I shook my head at myself then went back into my position.

The seagull hopped forward, coming closer to me. When it stopped, it made one of its annoying sounds at me. I continued to ignore it but it poked my leg.

"Ow! What do you want?!" I screamed at the bird. It continued to poke me. "Stop!" It flew back, flapping its wings, but stayed in place. It looked behind it, then back at me. "You want me to get up?" I could've sworn it nodded at me.

I got up and the seagull started hopping forward. Once I started walking it took the air. Where was it taking me? I kept my eyes on it. I wish it could talk so I knew what it wanted and where it was taking me.

My eyes were so focused on the seagull that I didn't realize I ran into someone. I jumped back quickly. Once my eyes landed on him, I took a small step back. The seagull that was leading me landed on his head. It poked him and he tried to shoo the bird away.

"Damn this bird." Asher said, trying to shake it off. It flew up making noise before it disappeared. Aww, I lost the bird. It looked like it hadn't led me to where it had in mind. "I don't get why those birds hate me." He shook his head at it even though it was gone.

I didn't know why but that made me laugh.

"Something funny, princess?" He patted his head while looking up. "That little sucker didn't crap on my head, did it?" He started to feel his head.

"No, you're fine. But I'm sure you would've felt it if it did." I stopped laughing. I wasn't sure if I heard him correctly, but did he just call me princess? I frowned for a second before I went back to my normal, serious face.

He looked at the ocean and smiled. "Wanna go for a swim?" I tilted my head giving him a confused look.

"No, I can't." I took a step away from the water. I still felt drawn to the ocean, but I feared I would get lost again, in that big ocean.

"You can't or you won't?"

Asher got me in the water by splashing me. I stood there wide-eyed, watching him before I jumped in. Soon, he followed me. When I felt my tail appear, I couldn't help but look at it. I had to admit, it looked beautiful in the water. I slowly glided in the water, looking at the fishes and a few dolphins that swam by.

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