Chapter Two

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"Which phone do you want?"

"Does it matter? As long as it works, I'm okay with it."

"Do you want it to be pink?"

"Dad! It doesn't matter!"

"Okay, okay! We'll get you a smartphone," he smiled.

My jaw dropped, "I'll break it the second I touch it!"

"Yeah, we're getting you a smartphone."

"Dad! No! I'll take this blue flip phone!"

"No, no." He walked to a worker and started talking to him. I pressed my lips together. Why was he getting me a high tech phone like that? Had he lost it?!

Dad told me to come by him, so I did. The guy who worked here came back with a box. It was the blue flip phone I was okay with. Oh wow, Dad.

After I got my phone, we drove home. The front of the phone was only for calling, and when you opened it, there was a keyboard inside. I thought the phone was pretty cute.

"Try not to kill that one, okay?"

"No promises."

When I got home, I walked straight up to my room. I opened the doors that led to a balcony. I went outside and stood against the fence. I was staring at the beach. I closed my eyes, enjoying the wind.

I heard laughs from a distance. Usually, around my house there weren't that many people. The only sound you could hear was the waves crashing onto the shore and the seagulls crying for food.

I opened my eyes to see Selena walking with her group of friends. Ugh. I turned my back towards them. Hopefully, they wouldn't say anything to me or say anything about me.

I closed my eyes and pressed my lips together. Just walk inside, Lara. Slowly, I walked inside, closing the doors. I could see them through the doors.

Selena and her group of friends had made fun of me since middle school. I used to look so bad. My hair was frizzy, I was a bit more chubby, and I had crooked teeth. Even though my hair stayed normal after using the mousse, I lost the weight, and fixed my teeth, I was still hated. And I didn't feel any different, I still felt like me.

They weren't just mean to me, but they were mean to anyone who wasn't in their group. It was easier to pick on me since I was the loner girl. I couldn't do anything about it, I was more fun to make fun of.

I ran down the stairs and walked out the door. I was headed to the self serve yogurt place that was couple blocks away. I was glad that I didn't see anyone that I knew on my way there. When I reached the place I walked inside. I grabbed the cup and poured the flavors that I loved. Red velvet was my favorite! I put so much of that. Then I filled it with chocolate, coffee, and strawberry flavors. I added toppings like brownie pieces with pineapple and strawberry. I handed the cashier my money and started eating.

I walked back to my house, but instead of going inside, I walked to the beach. I removed my shirt, revealing the swimsuit I had underneath. I put my shirt down on the sand and sat on it. I continued to eat my yogurt.

When I finished I put it aside and watched the waves. I really wanted to go in. I looked around before removing my jean shorts. I made sure my phone was safe this time.

I ran inside the water, completely going inside. When I got out I pushed my blonde hair back and spit some water that was in my mouth out. I didn't like the taste of salt water. It was too salty and nasty.

Waves were crashing onto me, and some of them would knock me into the water. But I would always get right back out again. Sometimes I went under the wave or I jumped over it. Time would go by fast when I was at the beach.

Soon, it was sunset. I sat on the beach watching the distance. The sky was a beautiful shade of orange and pink. The colors blended so well together, and it was a sight to behold.

After sitting out for an hour I went back in the water.

When I got out of the water, I didn't realize that so much time had went by. How did it get dark that fast? I was shivering. The wind was much stronger than I had anticipated. Though I was in my bikini, all I had to cover up was a tank top and shorts, great. I grabbed my clothes, and started to run instead of putting it on.

Without realizing, I bumped into someone, knocked them over, and fell on them. Oof!

My hair was in my face, so I couldn't see. Well, it was dark too. I tried to flip my hair to the side, and I finally saw their face. He was staring at me.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I was laying on some random guy. I got off him and grabbed my clothes. I saw him sit up from the side of my eye.

"It's okay," he chuckled. Ugh. So he was that kind of guy. He still didn't get up. Should I give him a hand or run? I did fall on him, but he could be a complete and total creep.

Suddenly, my phone rang and I picked up. "Hello?"

"Lara, where are you?"

"At the beach, I'm almost home."

"Okay, hurry, dinner is almost here."

"Okay, dad." I hung up. I put my phone back in my jeans pocket. I turned to where he was, but he was already off in the distance, getting further away with every step. I pressed my lips together. Walk home, Lara! I turned back in the direction I was going and moved to where I was headed. Home for dinner.


I rolled the noodles around my fork and stuffed it inside my mouth. Dad had ordered chinese food for the night. He knew how to cook, but he liked ordering food more.

Finishing my chicken and noodles, I thanked my dad for the food, then went upstairs. I looked outside and all I saw was sand, and the ocean that went on for miles. I closed the curtains, turned away, and walked into the bathroom. I looked at my reflection. My blonde, wavy hair was everywhere. My eyes were as blue as the ocean. And I looked tired. Well, I was. I untied my bikini and it fell to the floor. I removed my bottom too, then entered the shower.

Once I finished with my shower, I wore my pajamas, and brushed my teeth. I placed my toothbrush back in its place and walked to my room. I walked to my door and closed the curtains. I sighed, remembering when I fell on that guy. How weird was that?! Could you say awkward?

I shut my eyes. I couldn't remember how he looked. I couldn't make out some of his features in the dark.

Why was I even thinking about this? I was never going to see him again. Who cared, right?

I tried to forget about it, as if it never happened. But I couldn't get it out of my head. That was a normal thing, people couldn't see in the dark, so they fell on people. Okay, that sounded a bit unusual, but it could happen. It happened to me.

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