when two strangers that have never experienced love both end up going to Hawaii and getting a room with 6 other people that ship them they grow together and go from strangers to friends to best friends!.. or is it more.. will social media come cras...
*Johnnys point of view* Annie came and pulled me over to the bathroom and asked me who I liked at the same time kenzie pulled Hayden away. I know there's something up! I, ended up telling Annie I liked kenzie because I do! I really do! I mean have you Seen the #jenzie edits latly! There so cute! And Annie told me she liked me back!!! I'm gonna ask her out at dinner tonight! Hayden: so Annie are you exited for dinner tonight?! He sounded nervous I know he likes Annie a lot. Mabey he will ask her out at dinner tonight to! Annie: yeah I'm starving!! I need to find out! I have an idea! Kenzie: we need to get ready actually! Johnny: OK. Is it a fancy dinner Annie: yeah Johnny: OK Annie and kenzie go to the bathroom and Jojo and jayden go in as well and me and Hayden head to Conner and Carson's bathroom. Johnny: Hayden are u asking Annie out tonight!? I heard she likes u back! Hayden: I think so yeah. Johnny: I'm asking kenzie out tonight to!! All: awwww😂😂😄 Conner: she will totally say yes! I mean jayden said yes to me why wouldint kenzie say yes to u! Conner and jayden have been dating for month now and same with Jojo and Carson Johnny: yeah and Hayden Annie is madly in love you to are so cute All except Hayden: #hannie!!! 😄 All: 😂😂😂 we All get changed
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Haydens outfit^^
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Johnnys outfit^^
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Conners outfit^^
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Carson's outfit^^^ After we get changed we wait it our room until the girls come out. The girls finnnaally come at Johnny: whoa Hayden: Annie.... TO BE CONTINUED..