Dinner confusion

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*Annie's point of view*
The girls and I go in to our bathroom to get changed.
Annie: kenzie!! Johnny likes u!
Kenzie: yessssss!!
All: 😂😂😂😂
Kenzie: Annie Hayden is going to ask you out tonight!
All: 😮😮
Annie: really!!!
Kenzie: yeah!!
Annie: omg!!
Annie: kenzie Johnny is going to ask u out tonight to!!
All: 😮😮
Kenzie: o. M. G.
Jayden: OK let's get ready😂

 Jayden: OK let's get ready😂

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Our outfits^^^

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Our outfits^^^

Our outfits^^^

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Jojo's hair^^

Jaydens hair^^

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Jaydens hair^^

Jaydens hair^^

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Annies hair^^

Kenzies hair^^Annie: there! Jojo: we look HOOTT!! All: 😂😂Kenzie: let's go show the boys!! We walk out and the boys were sitting on me and Kenzies bed

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Kenzies hair^^
Annie: there!
Jojo: we look HOOTT!!
All: 😂😂
Kenzie: let's go show the boys!!
We walk out and the boys were sitting on me and Kenzies bed.
Johnny: whoa
Hayden: Annie...
I smile
Hayden: u look great! All of u do!
Carson was trying to hide it but he nudged hayden and smiled. Hayden smiled.
Conner: let's go to dinner now!!
At dinner this is the order we sat in

It was a beach dinner and when we arrived it was sunset! So pretty! But I couldn't help but get nervous/exited thinking about Hayden asking me out! Johnny: what a beautiful night! Kenzie: so prettyI just so happend to look down and see Carson pass...

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It was a beach dinner and when we arrived it was sunset! So pretty! But I couldn't help but get nervous/exited thinking about Hayden asking me out!
Johnny: what a beautiful night!
Kenzie: so pretty
I just so happend to look down and see Carson pass a note under the table to Hayden. He looked worried and then slid it in his pocket. He looked at Carson. And shook his head. Then got up.
Hayden: I'll brb I have to use the restroom.
Carson: me too they both get up and walk forward to the building.
Johnny: kenzie come over here I need to show u something!
Kenzie: OK
She gets up and starts to walk toward Johnny and then turns her head. And mouths to me "its happening" and I smiled and claped a little. Hayden and Carson come back. 
Carson: oh, I see Johnny doing it now
We all turn around and see

  Carson: oh, I see Johnny doing it nowWe all turn around and see

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I sigh. I look at Hayden and he's looking down at his shaking hands.  When will he ask me!!
Jayden:  let's take a picture! When the love birds get back!
~5 minutes later~
Johnny and kenzie walk back to, our table holding hands!
Annie: awwww
Jayden: #jenzie!!
All: 😂😂😂
We take our group picture. And I post it on my insta. And Hayden does to.
Hayden: are u guys ready to go back now!?
We all just look at him.  Surprised he wants to go home after not asking me yet.
Annie: yeah. 😕
I don't think he's gonna do it tonight.
We head back and go to the hotel room. Me and kenzie get in bed and everyone else as well.  We were all confused about dinner and Hayden not asking me.
All of a sudden Hayden gets up and goes out to the porch.  Johnny get up to follow him and trys to open the door to the porch.
Johnny: its locked...
We all look at each other

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