take 2!

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             *Hayden's point of view*
I freaked out. I don't know why I just did. She most likely hates me or think I don't like her. I just don't want to hurt her. I want her to be happy and think she has a good boyfriend. What if I can't give her what she needs. And of course I can't tell anyone because they laugh or think I'm overreacting. Its hard to explain.
Johnny: u good now?
Hayden: yeah
Johnny: good
I smile and then turn to Annie. She's sitting on the counter talking to Jojo and Carson. Were the only ones not in a relationship because of me. I'm a jerk.
Annie: Hayden can I talk to u outside.
Here we go time to here the lecture of her and how upset she is with me. But I deserve it.
Hayden: sure
We walk outside she locks the door behind us. Probs so no one can come and save me from her atemption of murder
Hayden: hey
Annie: hey..
~long pause~
Annie: Hayden are u OK?
Hayden: yeah
Annie: Hayden...?!
Hayden: I messed up. Everyone's in a relationship except us and its because of me!
Annie sits in silents.
Hayden: I freaked out.  I don't know why.  I want you so bad Annie!! Bit what if I can't give u what u need what if I'm not good enough.!
Annie just looks at me with her sweet brown eyes. She grabs my hand.
Annie: Hayden. I love u. Don't worry about u not being good enough. U are.  Ur my world. Just because u freaked out doseint mean u can quit. Take 2. Hayden. Take 2.
She smiles. Take 2. Hayden. She likes u still, nows your chance. Shes waiting!!
Hayden: Annie lablanc... U deserve the world.  U are my world. I love u. And I know we can work anything out. Together. So will u Annie leblanc be my girlfriend!?
Annie: Hayden..

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