i hate you!!

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              *Johnny point of view*
Johnny: kenzie I said stop!
She looks at so hurt.  But I don't care she's being a jerk.
Kenzie: sorry...
Johnny: your such a jerk!
Kenzie: what!!! She looks St me MMAADD.
Johnny: yeah. You heard me. Jerk!
Kenzie: how am I a jerk iv done nothing.
Johnny: your helping Annie!
Kenzie: soo....  That means I'm being a jerk!?
Johnny: yeah it does because you are being rude to Hayden.
Kenzie: Annie was hurt.
Johnny: and Hayden was not!?
Kenzie: he broke up with her. Do I was helping I wasint gonna help Hayden because he broke up with her.
Johnny: that doseint give you the right  to make Annie ignore and pretend to not be bothered by the brake up.
Kenzie: I was telling her if she acted 
Like it wading hurting her it would show Hayden that he can be happy to.
I obviously didn't believe her.
She continues: I was trying to help both of them.  But Annie using pretending anymore she is actually happy now.
Johnny: I hate u!
Kenzie Yankes her love heart neckless I Gave her and throws it at me with tears in her eyes.
Kenzie: its over Johnny. Good bye. She runs back up to the table.
Uggghh I'm so stupid!!!
sorry if I haven't posted latly iv been real busy!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

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