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             *Kenzies point of view*
Is it weird that Hayden and Annie are dating?  I mean I love them together but for me it seems weird that my best friend and ex are madly in love! Haha I love them.
Johnny took me on a secret romantic walk last night at 1 am when everyone else was still sleeping. It was awesome!! We went down by the waterfall and star connected. It was so much fun.
Hayden: Annie what u making?
Annie: room service
All: 😂😂😂
Annie: kenzie oatmeal?
Kenzie: yesaroni
Johnny comes over and kisses my cheek.
Hayden: French toast for me!
Annie: I know. 😂😂
Jayden and Conner are still "sleeping" and Jojo and Carson are swimming already. So its just #jenzie and #hannie in the hotel room.
•ding ding ding ding• Hayden's phone goes off. He checks it and then looks frustrated. He trows his phone on the couch and the gets really grumpy.
Kenzie: Hayden?
Johnny: what's your problem?
Hayden doseint answer and continues to look at the counter
Annie: babe what's up
She wraps her arms around him and puts her lips out for a kiss.  He jerks alway and storms off to the room slamming the door behind him. Annie looks upset and confused as do the rest of us.
Annie walks up to the door.
Annie: Hayden??..
Hayden: no.

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