when two strangers that have never experienced love both end up going to Hawaii and getting a room with 6 other people that ship them they grow together and go from strangers to friends to best friends!.. or is it more.. will social media come cras...
*kenzie point of view* After we were told me Johnny Hayden and Annie are sharing the two bed room its gotten really awkward. Iv tried not to act weird because then they will know I like Johnny!! But I have no chance! He's been eyeing jayden all day! He totally likes her.😞 I still can't tell anyone I like him! And Annie and Hayden can't even stand 4 feet from each other now. The four of us go into our room.
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Our room and bathroom^^ Kenzie: wow Annie: wow The boys were quiet. And then we whent quiet it was still really awkward but I'm pretty sure it only awkward for Hayden and I. Mabey a little Annie but she doesn't act like it. Hayden: its really big! Annie: kenzie. She elbows me and waves me over to the porch. Kenzie: what's up? Annie: its so awkward around me and Hayden now! Kenzie: I know. and Johnny obviously doseint like me. Annie: I can ask!? Kenzie: really! Annie: oh course!! Kenzie: and I'll ask Hayden who he likes! We hug and go back into the room I call Hayden out to the porch and Annie brings Johnny to the bathroom Hayden: what's up Kenzie: who do u like!? Hayden: don't tell her but Annie! She's so sweet and kind! But its so awkward around us! Kenzie: mabey because u both like each other and are afraid the other doesn't like them. Hayden: does Annie really like me! Kenzie: yeah! You should ask her out. Hayden: Idk mabey I will at dinner tonight. Kenzie: OK I'll tell Annie that you like her so it won't be awkward! Hayden: thanks kenzie. And PS I'm glad were friends now and not mad at each other after our breakup. Hayden And I use to date a while back. But after all the #kaden stuff he got embaresed and thought I was using him. So we broke up. But were good now!☺ Kenzie: me to We head back inside and Annie and Johnny are already done Annie sits on our bed and Johnny is on there's. With out thinking I sit on Johnny's bed. He smiles at me and quickly turns away. I stop smiling. I look over at Annie and Hayden, Hayden went over and sat by Annie!! TO BE CONTINUED...