reason why

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               *Johnnys point of view*
Hayden is acting weird. the didn't ask out Annie like he said he would.  He ran out of the bed on to the porch and locked the door.
I knocked on the door.
Johnny: Hayden!
Annie came up running behind me.
Annie: Hayden come on!
Kenzie: Hayden let's us out there!
Hayden: why?
He gets up and unlocks it.i go out Annie and kenzie just watch I closed the door.
Johnny: Hayden what's up with u latly?!
Hayden: idk!!
Johnny: why didn't you ask Annie out.  She was so exited!  And now she's upset!
Hayden: I know i just freaked out! I love Annie and I should have asked her but I freaked out.
Johnny: take ur time and do it when ur ready. Because I promise u Annie will be ready whenever☺
Hayden: thanks Bud.
~~~~~~the next morning~~~~~~~
I wake up and Hayden kenzie and Annie are out of bed and in the kitchen of our hotel room.
Hayden: morning John!
Johnny: feeling better!?
He looks at Annie and back at me
Hayden: yeah. I am.
He smiles
Johnny: good!

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