I Love You

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Sherwin's POV

As we sat at the tree, I listened to Jonathan's slow breathing. I didn't know what to do. All of a sudden, I felt a hand connect with mine. I looked up and saw his blue eyes. Did he like me back? Shock came across my face but I held his hand tighter.

"Is this okay?" He asked quietly

I nodded nervously. I stared at him for a while. He was perfect, his perfect hair, his ocean eyes, his contagious smile. I was in love, but I still didn't understand it. He was staring back at me, curiosity across his face. I did something I would never expect myself to do, I leaned in and kissed Jonathan. He was shocked, I didn't think he would kiss me back. He did. It was explosive, I felt like I was flying. The kiss was magical and I didn't want it to end, but it had to so I pulled away with a huge smile on my face. I was officially head over heals for him. My heart was racing.

"I like you Sherwin." Jonathan said, his face turned a bright red. He hugged me, I felt amazing.

"I like you too, Jonathan" I said into his chest. We pulled away. I felt complete.

"We should get back to class" He said

I felt nervous.

What are the other kids going to think about us being gay?

"But I'm scared of what everyone will say about us. What if they bully us? What will we do then?" I asked nervously

"Don't worry about it. It'll be fine. If they can't accept us for being ourselves, then they aren't worth our time." He said

We walked into the school holding hands.

Jonathan's POV

I wasn't nervous about what the other students would think about me and Sherwin. Our friends should be supportive not rude and disrespectful. They should accept us for being gay.

We walked into the school building holding hands. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at us. I glanced over at Sherwin, he was very nervous. He started to shake a little so I held his hand tighter, reminding him that I was here for him. He immediately stopped shaking and looked at me.

"It's okay" I whispered

He nodded. We began to walk, ignoring everyone's comments and stares.

"Freaks" a blonde boy said

We stopped in our tracks. My face felt hot as my face turned red. Sherwin began to shake again. I tensed.

"Come on man, except them. Love is love" a girl said

I relaxed. Sherwin stopped shaking. I squeezed his hand. I looked at the girl and smiled. Everyone smiled at us. They excepted us? I began to continue to walk again. Sherwin came closer to me, still holding my hand. I smiled at him.

"I'll see you later Sherwin. I gotta get to class." I said sadly. I didn't want to leave my red headed boy.

"Yeah. Want to hang out after school? Maybe we could go do something?" He asked. I wasn't sure if he was asking me out. Today was a good day to do this, it was Friday so that meant we could stay later.

"Of course I will" I said happily. I kissed his cheek and headed for my locker. I grabbed my books from my locker and grabbed my apple. I began to twirl the apple as I walked to class.

Sherwin's POV

A huge smile came across my face as I watched my perfect boy walk to his locker. I went to my locker and grabbed my books. I got a sticky note and a pen and ran to Jonathan's locker after he left for class.

I love you :)

I realized that it was quick to say that I loved him but I do. I really love Jonathan. I daydreamed about Jonathan on my way to class.

-before lunch-

Jonathan's POV

I went to my locker and opened it to find a note. I was curious.

What does it say?

I flipped the note over, it read:

I love you :)
I smiled. I want to see him. I grabbed my lunch and ran to the lunch room. I saw his red hair immediately.

"Sherwin!!" I said

He jumped but turned around. I kissed him. I was so happy. He loved me?! I hugged him.

"I love you too." I said into his chest.

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