Baseball Game

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One week later...

Sherwin's POV

Today was Jonathan's last baseball game of the season, this was the championship. I was excited to see him play.

"Sherwin hurry! We're gonna be late!" Jonathan yelled from downstairs.

I already knew he was halfway out the door by now.

"I'm coming, don't rush me!" I giggled.

I ran down the stairs. I grabbed some snacks and put them into a little blue bag I found. I walked out the door finding Jonathan already walking on the sidewalk. I ran up to him.

Wow. He looks really good.

Jonathan was wearing his blue baseball uniform and man, he looked really cute. I starting blushing.

"You take so long to get ready." Jonathan laughed.

"Don't judge me! I just want to look okay for your game." I chuckled.

"You always look good baby." Jonathan smirked.

I blushed.

"Quit flirting with me! Your making me blush." I commented.

He stopped talking. He also avoided eye contact. He started laughing

"Fine, you can flirt with me." I sighed.

"Great because you look really good right now." He wiggled his eyebrows and winked at me.

I rolled my eyes, my face turned extremely red. He laughed and hugged me.

"We need to get to the game before coach yells at you." I reminded.

"Right." He nodded.

We ran over to the baseball field. I glanced over at Jonathan's baseball uniform again.

Jeez, he is really really really cute.

Jonathan laughed.

"Do you think my uniform looks good?" He asked.

My face immediately turned bright red. I nodded. He giggled.

We got to the field. We still had 5 minutes before Jonathan had to be with the coach.

"You want a snack before you go onto the field?" I asked. I felt like a mom at her sons baseball game. Making sure he had everything before he started the game.

He nodded. I started pulling snacks
out of the little blue bag. I tossed him an apple. He giggled.

"Thanks babe" He smiled.

He ate the apple as fast as he could. I laughed.

"You're going to get sick if you keep eating that fast." I giggled. He shrugged his shoulders.

"No big deal" He said

"You better get over there. It looks like they're ready to start." I advised

He nodded. I gave him a bag of pretzels and a blue water bottle. I kissed his cheek.

"Good luck baby" I encouraged.

I sent him on his way. I started to get nervous. I wanted him to do really good.

Jonathan's POV

It felt amazing to be on the field.

I stood in outfield, ready to catch anything that came my way. I looked over at the stands, looking for Sherwin. I found his red curls immediately. He looked at me. I shot him the biggest smile, he started blushing and waved. I waved back. The coach blew his whistle signaling that the game was ready to begin. I looked at the other team, they were wearing red uniforms.

I smirked. I had to make Sherwin proud.

The game began. The other team was up to bat. I was ready. A blonde kid from the other team grabbed the bat and stood in his stance. The pitcher threw the ball at a extremely fast speed. The boy at bat missed the ball.

"Strike 1"

The pitcher threw the ball, the boy hit it this time. It flew my way

Here's my chance

The ball came straight to me, I caught it. He was now out.

This continued back and forth.

We were in the last inning. I was up to bat, this hit would determine if we would win the championship or not. The scores were tied and the bases were loaded. I walked up to bat. I looked over at Sherwin, he gave me an approving thumbs up.

"You can do it Jon!" He cheered.

I smiled. I looked at the pitcher and grabbed the bat. I stood in stance. The pitcher threw the ball, I watched it waiting for the right time to hit it. I swung the bat as hard as I could. The ball went flying, the other team jumping trying to catch the ball. It went above all of their heads and went over the fence.

Home run

The crowd cheered like crazy. I dropped the bat and ran towards the bases. We scored four more points from the bases being loaded and me getting a home run. I ran through home. That was the end of the game.

We won! We're champions.

The boys on our team cheered for me. They lifted me up and chanted my name. I smiled.

They eventually set me down. I ran to Sherwin, he ran to me. We hugged and I picked him up. I kissed him. I was so happy. He giggled.

"Good job baby!" He cheered.

I smiled.

"Thanks babe." I chuckled

We celebrated with ice cream. Me and Sherwin sat together with the team. My team didn't mind, they knew I was gay and that I had a boyfriend.

I put the tip of my finger in my ice cream and poked the tip of Sherwin's nose. He giggled.

"Jon" He whined.

He did it back to me. I laughed. We finished our ice cream and walked home together.

Today was a great day.

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