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Jonathan's POV

"Jonathan...I know it's a little early but...will you be my boyfriend?" Sherwin asked

My body froze. Me, be Sherwin's boyfriend? So many things were going through my mind.

He wants me to be his boyfriend?

I don't think I could be the "perfect" boyfriend

Does that mean we'll go on cute dates like this one?

Does that mean he's mine now?

What if he runs off to someone else?

"I get it if you don't want to be my boyfriend, I get it if you think we're moving too fast." Sherwin said sadly as he twiddled his thumbs. He was nervous again "I'm sor-"

I cut him off by kissing him passionately.

"Yes Sherwin, I will be your boyfriend." I said as I giggled.

He sat closer to me and put his head on my shoulder, I put my head on his. We watched the sunset. After, we laid in the grass and observed the stars.

"That one looks like a lion!" Sherwin exclaimed

I giggled. I wormed closer to him and snuggled into his chest.

"That one looks like a star." I said quietly

I could hear his heartbeat since I was laying on his chest. It was so calming I could fall asleep to it.

Sherwin's POV

I yawned as we were watching stars, I was tired. Jonathan was laying on my chest. I felt safer with him, his dominance made me feel protected.

"I love you Jonathan" I said quietly

"I love you too" He said into my chest.

I was drifting off to sleep. I fell asleep almost immediately once I shut my eyes.

Jonathan's POV

My prince was asleep. He looked so peaceful and innocent. He was perfect. My boyfriend, he's mine, all mine. I watched him for a little while. I looked at his watch.


I should get him home. I climbed on top of him and placed small kisses all over his freckled face. He fidgeted waking up.

"Baby, we have to go home." I said

He didn't respond but gave a small nod. I picked him up off of the ground. He wasn't heavy. I adjusted him to be on my back. His chin was on my shoulder and his face hung down. I turned my head and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"I love you so much, I hope you know that" I said quietly as I walked towards his home. I knocked on the door of his house, his mom answered.

"Are you Jonathan?" She asked

I nodded nervously. She giggled.

"His room is upstairs on the right. You can stay if you'd like" She said

I nodded and walked upstairs. I found his room and opened the door slowly. His room was organized and decorated nicely. I set him down slowly on his large bed.

"Stay...please" a tired Sherwin pleaded.

His eyes opened slightly and I nodded. I pulled my phone out.

Jonathan: Is it okay if I stay at Sherwin's for the night?

Mom: Sure, as long as it's okay with his mom. I'm trusting you, so please don't do anything you'll regret. Have a good night, love you!

Jonathan: I won't do anything bad and I love you too mom :)

I turned my phone off.

"I'm not going anywhere baby." I said quietly.

Sherwin smiled a little as he rolled over. I walked over to his closet and took a tee shirt and a pair of shorts. I took off my dress shirt and pants and folded them neatly. I slipped on his clothes and laid in his bed.

"You look even cuter without any clothes on." Sherwin said as he snuggled into my chest. My face felt hot but luckily he couldn't see me since it was mostly dark except for the light of his fairy lights.

"I love you Sherwin" I said as I began to fall asleep. All I heard was his slight snoring.

-the morning-

I woke up to Sherwin placing small kisses on my face.

"It's time to wake up baby!" He said innocently. I pretended to be asleep so he wouldn't stop kissing me. One on my forehead, one on my cheek, one on my chin, one on my nose, one on my ears, and a big one on my lips.

"I know your awake Jonathan. I see you peeking." He giggled

A large smile came across my face. I opened my eyes.

"But I don't want you to stop" I whined.

"Then I won't" He giggled.

He kissed me even more, placing little kisses all over my face, but this time it was faster. I laughed.

"Alright lovebirds, it's time for breakfast." Sherwin's mom said.

My face turned extremely red as I looked over at his mom.

"Don't be nervous boys. It's perfectly fine, love is love!" She giggled "Breakfast is downstairs whenever you two are ready!" She continued as she walked downstairs.

Sherwin didn't move off of me, he just continued to kiss me. This time he left a few kisses but moved to my lips and kissed me, hard. I kissed back and I loved it. Every time he kisses me, I feel a spark immediately. Our kisses feel like fireworks. He broke the kiss and got off of me.

"We'll continue later?" I asked

His face got red but he nodded. I looked at him, his cute little freckles, his messy red hair, his tired but energetic brown eyes. Just the sight of him made me smile. I noticed he was in different clothes than last night, he must've changed. Dang I missed it.

"You coming?" He asked

"Yeah" I said

Sherwin's POV

The boy of my dreams was sitting next to me eating pancakes. We had a conversation about ducks. He was still waking up, his voice was still very raspy, but I found it very cute.

"I have to head to work. Don't get too wild while I'm gone." My mom said

"We won't." I mumbled. She giggled My face was as red as a fire truck. I glanced over at Jonathan, he was the same. My mom walked out the door.

"So...what do you want to do?" I asked Jonathan

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