Break Up?

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Jonathan's POV

I woke up still upset about the events that happened the day before. I already knew it was going to be an off day. I was more sluggish than usual, more sad too. I slowly got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I looked tired but ignored that and fixed my hair. After, I put my uniform on.

I sighed.

I was hoping Sherwin would come to school but I kinda doubted he would. I wanted to see him so badly.

If he doesn't come to school, I'll just go to his house after I get home.

I grabbed my backpack and walked downstairs. I ate breakfast fast so I could get to the bus stop.

I walked to the bus stop and sat on a bench.

It's kinda cold out here. This bench is cold too. Maybe I should've wore my sweater. (Same shirt that Sherwin wears)

I shivered. Someone's arms wrapped around me. I turned my head and immediately saw his ginger hair.


"Hey" He said quietly and sat down on the bench. I looked at him. He had a black eye, he looked cute. The cuts that were on his face before were now gone. His hair was more tamed than usual.

I smiled.

"Hey" I said

He came closer to me and grabbed my hand. I smiled. I was happy he decided to come to school.

I looked at the time on my phone. 6:40, we still had 20 minutes until the bus came and 10 minutes until the students came.

"What are you doing out here so early?" I asked.

"I wanted to see you. So I walked over and saw you on this bench." He explained and blushed.

I giggled. He was adorable. We talked about random things before the other students came.

Once the students started to show up, Sherwin began to seem tense. He got looks of concern from everyone. A few students began to ask questions.

"Are you okay Sherwin? What happened?!" Alison, a girl in my class, asked.

"Mason happened." I replied.

She gasped. Sherwin looked down with embarrassment. I grabbed his hand and held it tight.

"He's going to get quite the beat down when I get to him." She mumbled. I laughed.

Alison was one of my old friends. She spoke her mind, a lot. We haven't hung out in a while but I was glad she still talked to me.

Olivia, the "popular" girl at our school, walked over. Looking like she was prepared to hurt someone's feelings. I sat closer to Sherwin, I needed to speak up for him.

"What do you want Olivia." I sighed, irritated already.

"Wow, looks like someone took a beating" She mocked.

"Olivia if you don't get away from us, you'll be taking a beating." I spat angrily.

She rolled her eyes.

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