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I woke up to the sound of chirping birds.I looked around remembering last night and sleeping on the bench. I also remembered why I was here.My meet up with Gabbi.I checked my phone and saw the time was 12:09pm.My meet up with Gabbi was at 2:00pm.I had 3 hours to find the city centre and water fountain.I figured my best bet was just walking until I found someone who would know directions.
I grabbed my suitcase and began walking,until 5 minutes later I stumbled across a group of 30 year olds.I asked for directions and I had to walk straight for half an hour and then take a left at Morrisons. I planned to pop into Morrisons bathrooms and sort my hair and get changed then walk across to the fountain.
30 minutes later..
By now I had 2 hours to get my looks at a presentable stage.I walked into the packed Morrisons turned right and went into the disabled toilet.I grabbed my nicest shirt and skinny black jeans out of my suitcase,changed and then I quickly sprayed myself with some aftershave and sprayed my curly black hair with some dry shampoo.1:27pm. I ran into Morrisons grabbing a breakfast bar and paid for it with some spare change.I then began to walk over to the fountain, ready to meet Gabbi.
I stood waiting at the fountain for 10 minutes,constantly looking at her Facebook profile picture and then looking over the busy Dublin crowds for her perfect auburn curls and sky blue eyes.When I finally spotted Gabbi ,I ran up to her,feeling the urge to hug her and tell her how I feel but I held myself back.
"Hey" she whispered
"Hey" I said,still trying to catch my breath from running."Look Gabbi, I'm sorry."I said trying to break the clearly awkward silence.
"Mikey don't be sorry because I think, well I know, I like you too." I just stood there in shock. I hoped my surprise would blow her off her feet. I took a step back and began humming the first few notes of Christina Perris A Thousand Years. When I had finished singing it to her, a crowd had formed around us.
"Gabbi Howlter,will you be my girlfriend?"I asked.
"Mikey,I'm not sure.."she said looking around at all the people surrounding us.
"Then let me help you be sure."
For the next two hours me and Gabbi just walked around Dublin,I told her random facts Jack had told me she didn't know and Gabbi took me around where she grew up.Most importantly we talked . By the end of the night we had gotten to a small pond in a quiet park.
"Yes." She whispered,grabbing my hand.
"Yes?" I asked confused looking down at our interwined fingers.
"Yes,I will be your girlfriend."she laughed.I pulled her into a hug and kissed her on her forehead.
"I love you Gabbi Howlter."

Author Note
The End
I may or may not write more books I don't know yet
But for now
So long and goodnight

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