Twenty two

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"So, I guess we're living together?" He grinned as he played with her hair, that lay across his bare chest. "Yeah, I guess we are. But... how do we tell people.. that you know... we're together?" She looked up at him. "We will work it out. We've hid it for ages now, we can hide it a little longer. "But... but what if your family turn against you... I mean... won't they take Josh's side?" "I'm not sure..I mean-" "they're never going to like me again Jacob" she sighed.

"Don't say that" he smiled. "My family aren't like that... josh might be slightly angry, as you could imagine but my parents love me... so they'll love who I'm with" Connie sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "How about some breakfast beautiful?" He smiled. "Sounds great".

Jacob cooked and Connie watched. "I can't cook" she laughed. "I'm awful!" "Well it's a good job I can cook then isn't it" he laughed and plated the breakfast up and carried it over to the table.

"Errr josh? Hi?" Jacob scratched the back of his head as he walked into Jacobs apartment. "Connie?!" He yelled. "Jacob?! What the hell bro" "she needed a place to stay....." josh gave him a cold stare. "So she wears your shirt?" He laughed. "How could you do this. To me?!" Josh yelled. Connie stood up as josh nearly went for Jacob. She stood between the pair. "Stop!! Josh!! It takes two. This isn't just Jacobs doing!!" Josh backed up. "You's are both a joke! How could you" he yelled and walked out slamming the door.

Connie looked and Jacob then to the door. "I'm sorry... I've..." she ran out he door and down the path after josh and stood in front of his car so he wouldn't drive off. "Josh, please hear us out! I don't want you to fight with your brother over this!" "Connie! Move! I have places to be!" Connie didn't move. "Didn't you hear me you stupid bitch! Move!!!" He yelled and she moved. Close to tears as he sped off down the road. Jacob sighed and put his arm over her shoulder. "Hell cool off. Don't worry babe-" "babe?" She chuckled and wiped a tear. She grinned and kissed his mouth. "Let's go back to bed" she smiled and took his hand and they both headed back into Jacobs apartment.

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