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They both sighed in sync as Jacob pulled up across the road from her house. "Last night and-" he silenced her by kissing her deeply, moans escaping her mouth and she had to be firm on herself or things would go much further, so she slowly pulled away. "Mm" he smiled and stroked her cheek. "When will I next see you" he questioned. She smiled. "Work" he groaned. "Connie, you know what I mean..." she laughed "I don't know muscles" she pecked his lips and got out. "Thankyou for last night, it was sensational. I'll text you" she blew him a kiss and walked down her street.

She was only home an hour and a half and josh came through the door, home from his week away for work. "God I've missed you" he grinned and kissed her deeply but pulled away slightly as she didn't really respond to him. She smiled "what? Why are you looking at me like that" "what's up with you con?" He sighed. "What do you mean?" "I've been gone a week, you could at least act as though you missed me" "I have, honest" she smiled and slipped into his knee. "I've just been so busy" she smiled and pecked his cheek.

"So how was Cornwall" she asked as she made dinner that night. "It was perfect, wish I could have brought you though" he grinned and slipped behind her. "Mm yeah" she smiled and pulled away to go into the fridge. She couldn't bring herself to be touched by him, it felt as though she was cheating on Jacob... it sounded silly but that's how she felt. When in fact she was cheating on josh with Jacob...yet she didn't feel one bit guilty about it.

"I'm on the early shift tomorrow.. I'm gonna have an early night" she smiled gently up at him and stood from the couch. "Or we could have an early night together" he wiggles his eyebrows. "Josh, sorry no... look I know you've been away for a week and probably missed it... but I'm just not in any mood for sex.." he sighed. "Fine, night" she rolled her eyes and walked up stairs to bed.

Miss you gorgeous. J xx

She grinned down as her phone lit up and instantly replied.

Miss you more. Josh is being such an ass. C x

Why, what's he done? J xx

Well... he got home and I don't know I felt as though all he wanted was sex. I don't want to have sex with him Jacob. I only want it with you. C x

Jacob really didn't know how to reply, other than saying the obvious...

Connie... if you don't want him... leave him... j x

Jacob! I can't... he would never allow me and you to become anything... neither would any of your family. They'd hate me. This is such a mess..

Jacob sighed. He just wanted to drive over there and take her.

What if I come over? J

You can't... C x

Why not? He's my brother... it won't be weird.

I'm in bed though... just leave it. I'll see you tomorrow. Xx

Sweet dream beautiful. X

Josh stood at the doorway watching her smile at her phone. "Who you texting that's making you smile THAT much?" He stared at her. "Jac.. she is we just telling me something Emma did at nursey" she smiled nervously. "Right" he nodded. "Thought you wanted an early night" "I do. It's just a text or few josh. Clam down" "whatever" he laughed and climbed into bed.

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