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"A bomb," she whispered under her breath.

All her thoughts were racing to catch up with one another. "A bomb?!" She exclaimed into the phone, standing up off the edge of her bed. "This is not something you want to do."

"Faye, I've changed since you last saw to me," he softly replied.

"How could you have changed so much?! It's been a week! We've talked so much between then and now, too." Faye felt her heart pulse through every limb, as if she was about to burst.

"I've become who I'm meant to be," he replied sternly.

"I, I don't know what to say." She replied, an awkward silence following.

"I still want to be friends, Faye. You're the only one who's treated me with true respect, disregarding how long we've known one another," he said sadly into the phone.

"I don't know how much respect I have for you at this point, Ed," she responded quickly. "If you do this, I can't and won't talk to you ever again. This is life altering."

Another silence.

"I'm sorry, Faye, but life's already been altered." Nygma hung up the phone and continued to figure out his plans on bombing the train station. Faye hung up as well, falling back onto the bed in disbelief. So many questions rolling through her mind, she decided to not think about it for a while.

Preparing herself for the next phone call, her dialing was interrupted by a soft knock on her door. She looked up from the table and watched a piece of paper slide under the door. She raised an eyebrow, somewhat hoping it was an accident. She went back to dialing the number but turned back to the door when it began ringing. As she was about to stand up and grab the slip, a slightly raspy voice answered her call.

"Hello?" They greeted tiredly.

"Shit," she said under her breath, "Sorry Detective Gordon, were you sleeping?" She began grabbing and twisting her hair nervously, scared that she woke the man up.

"Faye? Um, uh no I wasn't sleeping. Just...resting my eyes at 11 pm. Whats up?" The ruffling of sheets was heard in the background of the call. Faye stood up, beginning her rant to the detective.

"I'm sorry, I thought I would be happy. I hate it here."

"Wait, what-"

"Bruce and I always fight over the stupidest things, and Alfred just clearly doesn't have respect or trust for me," She begins wandering over to where she heard the sweet knock and picked up the paper.

"Faye, this is all for the better. You're nearly, what, sixteen? Of course this kind of thing is going to be hard to adapt to," Gordon began to say as Faye held the phone to her ear with her shoulder, opening the small paper up and reading what was written, almost blocking out the sincereness of Jim Gordon.

'I'm sorry about earlier. Our conversation got out of hand and it really was my fault for pushing you. You are such a strong girl, and yet I pushed you when you were vulnerable, and I apologize for that. I can understand if things are still weird between us tomorrow, but I just wanted to give you a proper goodnight because you deserve it.

"and the house is huge, Faye, there's gotta be a room where you can be alone-"

"Thanks, Detective Gordon. I'll keep everything you said in mind," she fibbed before wishing him a goodnight and hanging up.

She couldn't believe Bruce had slipped her a note. Its weird since this is his house, but she also found it romantic in a strange way. She had an urge to write back to the boy, eyes already darting to the drawer with pens and paper. Thinking to herself, she wanted to make sure he could keep her name on his mind. Writing a note, she kept it on her bedside table until the next evening, hoping the two teens' tension would keep Bruce up a few minutes longer tonight.

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