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Bruce watched as his new friend was being dragged through the bedroom window, his heart pounding a mile per minute.

"Faye," is all he is able to whisper minutes after the sound of tires screech against the pavement. "Al-," He begins. "Alfred!" He yells, and runs toward the window. "Alfred!" He yells with a deeper intensity. The sound of fast-paced footsteps rush through the hall and the bedroom door is swung open.

"Bloody hell, Master Bruce, is everything alright?" Alfred asks, almost as out of breath as Bruce. The boy turns around, his face pale and sweaty. Alfred's face lightens up.

"Someone...S-Someone took Faye! They just snatched her out of here like she...like she was some animal!" Bruce explains, his breath picking up and his mind running a 'mile a minute.'

"Are you sure? She didn't just sneak out, did she-"

"I'm one hundred percent sure that she was just kidnapped," Bruce snaps. "And they left this. It was over her head and fell off," he lifts his hands up, revealing the bag being held in his tight grip. Alfred paces over and takes the bag out of Bruce's hands, examining it. He flips it over, which reveals a large black question mark. They make eye contact and look back down at the bag. "What does that mean?"

"I have no idea, but we should keep it to ourselves for a bit to stay out of trouble," replies Alfred, folding up the bag. Bruces raises his eyebrow in confusion.

"What?" He says softly, almost in disbelief.

"It's nearly 24:00, we should not make officers come right now. We can wait until morning to file a report." Alfred stuffs the bag in his pocket.

"How could you say that," Bruce states softly. "Someone that you're responsible for has just been stolen from our residency... We have to call the police."

"I never wanted to be responsible for her, she was left at our doorstep like a baby left at a fire station." Alfred scoffs.

"She could be dead, Alfred! She was just taken from her room, she didn't voluntarily crawl out the window!" Bruce raises his voice at the butler, causing him to sigh before raising another point.

"But, Bruce, how sure are you of that?" Alfred sympathetically takes a step closer to Bruce. "You know she did not want to be here in the first place."

"You sound like a child, Alfred," Bruce yells. "She has done nothing wrong to receive your disrespect and either way, you're the adult in this situation! I can't believe you would think any other way," Bruce shouts, his anger growing stronger with every word.

"Master Bruce," Alfred interrupts.

"And to think, I looked up to you for most of my life..." Bruce finishes, pushing past Alfred and grabbing the telephone, dialing James Gordon's number as fast as he can.

{Sorry for the short-ass chapter! Just wanted to update so you guys don't think I'm dead 🤠 Also, FYI, I have NOT been keeping up with the newest season of Gotham because I truly hate commercials, and my On-Demand also has commercials. At some point i'll get back into it, but if I f**k up any plot lines, I'm sorry!}

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