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Five very calm and non-exciting days pass, and Faye still continues to stray out of Bruce and Alfred's daily life.

She joins them for meals and any free time that they spend in the library during the evening. The butler has gotten Faye to at least start eating more carbs such as crackers and bread. The plain taste is easy to get through and can satisfy her hunger, but her appetite is still lost somewhere in her body. Sometimes Alfred and Bruce talk at meal times about great amounts of stuff that happens, but Faye never sees it. People coming and going from the house, intruders, and so much more that Faye can only raise an eyebrow to.

"Someone broke into this place?" She asks with concern, her eyes shooting between the two men.

"Don't worry, Miss Faye. It's a," Alfred hesitated, a slight twitch in his eye before continuing, "companion of Master Bruce's." Bruce put the glass of water he was sipping on down and glanced at Faye.

"Selina Kyle. She's actually a good friend of mine," he mentions, giving a harsh look to Alfred.

"Oh, so, like your girlfriend?" Faye teasingly yet thoughtfully asks. Bruce chokes on his oxygen for a moment, and so does Alfred.


"No no-"

"Not even close." Bruce finishes before the two men turn heads to face one another, both in surprise. "Wait, you didn't think Selina and I were a thing?"

"I wasn't sure, but you don't think you two have a thing?" Alfred replies, more confusion twisting itself into the sentence. Faye rolls her eyes at their bickering, finalizing that she should just get up and leave.

"It was a harmless joke; get over yourselves," she entwined her harshness into their conversation before pushing herself from the table and walking towards the library, leaving both members at the table speechless.

"What was that about?" Alfred asked.

"You're asking me like I have a clue," Bruce replied.

In the library, Faye lays on the luxury couch, sighing and feeling awkward from what she just did.

'Why did I get so defensive,' she thinks to herself. She never thought of herself to be the jealous type...but jealous of what? 'Me, jealous? Just because Bruce has a "good" friend that happens to be a girl?'

Faye sits up and holds her head in her hands, her dark locks flowing through her fingers. Her thoughts briefly interrupted by the light sounds of rain hitting the glass windows. She feels a breeze on her back and turns her head to see an open window through the darkness of the library.

"Dumb kid, too lazy to even shut his own window," she stands up and walks towards the window frame, applying pressure to successfully close it, cutting off the stormy cold front from entering the manor.

"Well, there goes my only logical way out," a strange voice comes from the right of Faye, startling her beyond compare, a few curses escaping her lips. "Woah, chill," A teen girl emerges from the light shadows, "I thought we were both lurking in the Wayne Mansion but it seems as if you run the place, closing windows left and right." Her snarky comments allow Faye to catch her breath. Before she even opens her mouth to ask her name, Faye assumes this is Selina Kyle, the girl who comes and goes as she pleases. Even with that thought, Faye still had a little extra time to be petty before Bruce would even decide to enter the room.

"And you are?" Faye asks the teen, receiving a funny look from her.

"Wow, Bruce hasn't said anything about me yet, has he?" She replied sharply.

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