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Days and nights pass, yet Faye keeps her mouth shut incase the other two haven't yet found out about the secrets hidden in the library.

She now keeps the picture of her grandfather and Alfred inside her pillowcase, with the idea that if she makes her bed every day, the butler will have no reason to rummage through her pillows.

Another dreary night has rolled over the manor, calming down the three inside the house and reminding them to simply chill during the evening. Once it had become late, Faye stood up, setting her book down on the coffee table of the library.

"I'm gonna head to bed, I was up late last night watching a ton of movies with Bruce," she said to Alfred as he was placing different books back onto the shelf. "Even though I already read the book three times," she laughs softly, pointing at the novel as Alfred places it back on the shelf.

"Sounds good. Sleep well, Miss Faye," he replied, barely pausing his work to look at her. Bruce walked in from the kitchen, an apple in his hand.

"You're going to bed already?" He whined.

"Don't worry, we'll watch whatever movie you want tomorrow night," she waved him off, brushing her shoulder against him as she walked through the door frame. "Night, Bruce."

"Goodnight, Faye," he smiled at her as she advanced down the hallway. On her way, Faye took a detour down a separate wing, finding Bruce's room and promptly slipping a folded piece of paper under his door, a smirk creeping upon her face.

She didn't want to end their eight day streak of night-time notes to one another. Sometimes it was a book suggestion, a drawing, or even just a nice note that helped each of the teens sleep at night. After finishing her duty, she returned on her path to her bedroom, taking a few turns before opening and shutting her door.

The sound of the door closing echoed through the halls, finally reaching the library. Bruce put down the apple and searched for the book on Marcus Aurelius. Finding it, he quickly flipped it open and snatched out the remote, pressing the button and awaiting the music. Alfred's head quickly snapped towards the direction of the fireplace and the two watched the cave be revealed.

"Master Bruce," Alfred said, climbing down the ladder and brushing off his blouse, "are you sure this is a good time? Especially with the girl in the house?"

"Alfred, it's been almost three weeks since the last time we went down here with Lucius. I need to do what I can to turn on that computer." Bruce confidently walked down the steps, entering the dusty cavern, Alfred following carefully behind. Strolling into the office area, the two examined the area, not recognizing right away that it has been contaminated with an outsider's touch. "I'm going to go grab the notebook Lucius gave me regarding the computer. I'll be right back," Bruce says before jogging up the concrete steps.

On the other side of the manor, Faye prepares herself for bed. A breeze hits her face upon entering her room, causing her to immediately walk across the room and close the open window which was previously closed throughout the entire day. Shrugging, she turns around and is greeted by another pair of almost glowing eyes across the room. Her heart nearly stopping, she gulps heavily. She attempts to control her lungs while her breathing begins to pick up it's pace. A random pair of arms grabs her wrists from behind her and ties them around her back, the other figure finally approaching her and putting duct tape across her mouth as she screams bloody-murder, whipping her body side to side.

Down the hall, Bruce hears Faye screaming, guiding his attention further and further away from the mysteries of the computer in the cave. He thought, "maybe it could be a nightmare." But she only went to bed about ten minutes before, it's simply not a deep enough sleep. Walking closer towards her room, he could hear shushing and murmurs from the commotion inside.

The men place a loose green bag over Faye's head before opening the window and forcing her out. The wind catches the bag around her head, making it fly back into the room. She screams continuously, only seeing the hallway light entering the room before being dragged away and thrown into a car, with the sight of a confused and concerned Bruce tattooed in her eyelids.

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