Chapter 2

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After I left the ashram, I was at once joined by the avatars. They came to me. There was also one new face to our company. Ravi who stood next to Atith gave me an awkward nod.

"Nikita, where have you been?" Tusita asked.

"The Queen summoned us and told us to follow you here."

"I know where to find Amarisa," I told them. "She is now in the Naga Kingdom."

The avatars looked at each other.

"Are you sure?" Tepi said.

Then I began to tell them the same story I told my mother.

"This is a personal quest," I said. "My princess is abducted or rather that she had allowed herself to be taken away. I must bring her back, lest I would live a short life yet long of sorrows."

"Then we will accompany you," Tepi said solemnly. With no further question, the avatars argued over who would come with me for they were already of the same mind.

"No, you have to stay and safeguard the city," I told them. "This is the matter between me and the Naga King. I believe he purposely left behind his trace here so I will go to him."

"This sure sounds like a trap," Morokot spoke. "What have you done to the poor princess?"

I felt my face blush in shame. Vorac came to put her hand on my shoulder gently.

"We will follow you to the end of the earth, Nikita," she said. "That's what we were born to do. You're our savior and our friend. We won't abandon you to perform the task alone."

"You might need this for your journey." Ravi stepped forward. In her hands was a familiar golden box. As she opened it, I realized it contained the blue and red scale of the Rainbow Fish. "The winds whispered to me that it would be of some help."

"But this is also your prize from the game," I said. Ravi shook her head.

"You won all of it," she said, "along with my loyalty and respect."

I looked at her. For the first time, the wind god's daughter smiled. I nodded and thanked her then took the box.

"Avatars of Meru gods," I said, turning to everyone. "I thank you for defending and honoring me all this time. But I still have one thing to take with me. Will you bring me to the armory?"

The avatars looked distressed and surprised by my request. They all knew what I was intending to do. And after a moment, Tepi came towards me.

"Nikita, are you sure about this?" she said. I gave her a determined nod. Tepi let out a low sigh and then nodded back before leading my way.

Inside the lit cavern of the armory, the coppery smell of weapons greeted us. We reached the special chamber, which hosted the mighty blade, Chandrahas. My feet trembled as I stared unblinkingly at the greatest astra that ever made —the weapon that had conquered even the gods.

The curved blade was suspended in mid-air like a bright crescent moon. It glowed in a golden radiance.

"Very well then," I said. "It's time."

I took a deep breath and went towards the celestial sword. It seemed to vibrate with a chilling power. To bring Amarisa back to where she belonged, I had to break my promise. Indeed, my destiny had finally lured me to my doom.

Standing before it, I reached my shaking hand out and curved my fingers slowly over the hilt. The hair on my arms stood on ends. Everyone else stepped away and held their breath. Then I closed my eyes and shut all my thoughts, holding nothing back as a good warrior would do.

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