Chapter 28

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Like a flood, I remembered all I'd learned about the vicious King Ravana. In his past life, the Asura chopped off his head ten times as a sacrifice to appease the Lord of Destruction. Each time he sliced his head off a new head arose.

Ravana asked for a boon of immortality. Lord Shiva refused to give it to him but gave him the celestial nectar of immortality. The nectar, stored in his navel, dictated that he could not be destroyed for as long as it lasted. With this absolute invulnerability, he began to conquer the gods and ruled over heavenly spirits, other Asuras, serpents, and wild beasts.

Now towered over us, the Demon King blocked the heavens, endowed with the strength of moving the seas and splitting the mountains. Standing high like an enormous dark cloud, he stared down at me with maniac pairs of eyes. The human soldiers fled panic-stricken before him, and there was none to help me.

Ravana lifted his foot and tried to squash the life out of me like an insect. I rolled from under him like a dove that flies from a falcon's claws.

The earth shook behind me. I could hear the avatars rushing to my rescue from all corners of the field. Vorac circled her flying chariot around the Demon Lord while raining her arrows over him. Ravana roared and smashed his clenched fist against the wheel of her chariot. It swirled off the sky and crashed to the ground. Vorac's swift arrows were shed from her quiver as she plummeted with her steeds.

"Vorac!" Tusita cried. "How dare you hurt my woman!"

She shot an arrow that exploded on his shoulder. Enraged with pain, Ravana filled his chest with roars. His eight arms and eight hands wielded swords, morning stars, and spears.

"You all shall despair and die!" Ravana cried. "Kill every single one of them!"

The demons attacked again. Into the fight, they went with newborn vigor. Now their master was with them, and he was still unbelievably powerful. Our dead soldiers who came straight from the underworld, trying an especially daring feat. They jumped on Ravana with might. Yet, the success was not theirs.

With all his nine heads working simultaneously, Ravana destroyed them and could still find me in no time at all. He let out in an ear-splitting laugh that ripped through the night.

Then he crouched down to the ground, and like a giant spider or an ape, he crawled over towards me. I began to run through the vast fighting mess. Ravana followed me from behind. One of his eight arms lifted the staff that was now the size of a tree trunk and slammed it down upon the earth. I was sent flying by the impact and fell in a heap. Dust rained all over me.

"Who's the coward now?" Ravana chuckled.

I staggered to my feet again, and with my tiny sword, I met another bone-crushing blow. A rippling force burst between us as celestial weapons clashed against one another.

"I see that the gods have given you many blessings," he said as he pressed down harder. "But you are still no match for me!"

With that, Ravana's other hand raised his spear in the arc. Terror struck me. There was no doubt that this would end me right then and there, but a bolt of clawed horror hurled itself at his side, cutting off his action.

The Demon Lord let out a streak of surprise and left me for a terrible death struggle with my preserver, which was nothing less than my faithful mount, Gajasimha. I witnessed a battle of power, agility, and blind ferocity of two powerful beings rarely known to earthly man.

My beast king had an advantage in his first attack, having sunk his mighty fangs deep into the leg of the Asura, but the great arms had locked the throat of my guardian and slowly were choking out his life, and bending back his elephantine head upon his body. Presently, I saw the great eyes of my mount bulging from their sockets and blood flowing from his nostrils. Gajasimha was evidently weakening.

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