Chapter 21

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A new cry of havoc was heard. The demons jumped out of the fog, followed by Thabanaso. Under his command, the attitude of the vicious demons grew more savage. And as a chain reaction, their immoral fight began to overpower our side.

From the depth of Naraka, Thabanaso was summoned by his brother, Ravana, as we were told by our oracle. He was merely a spirit general, but he was still a fearsome warrior.

The human soldiers couldn't mask their fear. But so filled with bravery, soaked in blood and in a rush to kill, they faced a new wave of enemy.

The King riding on his war elephant let both flanks attack. Around the main line of fighting, the mounted soldiers and cavalry stormed into the flanks of the enemy. Again, it was time for a terrible clash.

I could see Morokot on the back of her rhino, spitting fire. There were flames dancing all over her body. Her eyes were like molten lava as she summoned the element. Demons were blasted into ashes. Others scattered away in fright.

By the lakeside, Samudra single-handedly drowned a horde of demons in his watery grip. They were caught like ants inside a crystal ball or a whirlpool.

Issarak was fighting alongside the King, while Ravi let loose a storm among the battle. We could see their soldiers being blown up into the sky before falling back, crashing into the ground.

But almost unnoticed, Tepi and I avoided the main battle. We went for our targets, the general.

I rode forward, but Thabanaso saw me coming. Pointing in my direction with a horrible growl, he let out a wail of warning for Asamoh. They split up. Asamoh, the grey-skinned giantess, attacked Atith and Vorac on their flying chariot. She swung her thorny club back and forth, trying to smash them like a bug in the air.

"Leave her to me!" Tusita cried from her winged horse. She swiftly drew an arrow on her bow and shot at the frenzied giantess. Asamoh leaped out of fear and the arrow exploded by her feet. The shock wave knocked her to the ground.

I did not see what happened next as my attention averted to Thabanaso. He was running fast towards me. His footfalls shook the earth.

I spurred my mount into a sprint as fast as he could. He gave every ounce of power he could summon. Thabanaso brought down his sword, but he missed us. The earth shattered and exploded under the mighty weight. Gajasimha reeled to the side, but he recovered quickly. The demon general lifted his sword again and swung. The giant blade swiped like a soaring eagle towards me. I dodged and the blade cut through the empty air.

Tepi hesitated. She turned away. She had an idea that needed room to be realized.

Having passed Thabanaso's legs, I turned around. At the same time, the earth trembled. The ground broke open, sprouting out vines and roots, wrapping around Thabanaso's enormous body. He turned his head to us. He was not sure who to attack first.

I was the better target for him, but Tepi posed the greater danger. The giant made his choice and went for me, but more vines shot out. They were so fast and so strong like heavy roots of ancient trees. It was as if they came straight from the Mother Earth herself. With a roar of anger, Thabanaso used all his strength to storm forward. But surrounded by the vines, he tripped and began to fall. The vines grew and wrapped around his arms, wrists, ankles, and legs.

The earth trembled under his weight.

After a few moments of struggle, he was rendered immobile.

I knew it was time to end the evil Asura and send him back to the Underworld. I urged the king of beasts into a gallop. We jumped onto Thabanaso. I let go of the mount then ran along the body of the fallen demon.

But once I reached his chest, the Asura wrenched his arms free from the vines. He swung them at me, intending to squash me to death. I dodged his left hand and jumped over his right one. When they came at me again, I raised the Moonsword and slashed through his flesh with a cry. Light emerged from the wound as the arm fell off. Thabanas roared and writhed like an eel.

I rolled off his body but managed to grab onto the vine. Tepi did her best to hold the giant with her power, but I could tell she was losing him. The demon expanded his size once again, growing bigger and breaking the bonds that tied him down.

Thabanaso tried to grab me with his good hand again. His palm slammed against his side, searching for a small body he would smash. I tried to pull myself up, but one of my legs was stuck. Then a shadow loomed over my head. The hand came and pried me off.

I screamed and tossed about like a caught fish. Soon I was face to face with the giant general.

"You have come for your death! I shall devour you alive!"

His wide mouth opened wider, the teeth pulled back ready to crash my bones and flesh into nothingness.

I held onto Chandrahas and shoved back my fear and panic. If the Moonsword was that powerful, I would need it to save me right now.

When Thabanaso lowered me into his waiting mouth, I summoned all my strength and swung the blade across the air. Light burst out. Another earthshaking cry echoed around the battlefield. Blood gushed from the wound like red rivers. I had chopped off the demon's head.

Then his enormous form began to disintegrate, burning away and drifting into the air like a swarm of fireflies.

I dropped back to the ground and gasped in relief.

My friend's voice called out to me.

"Nikita, are you alright?" Tepi rushed towards me.

I rose to my feet again and waved off her concern. I did not feel shame or regret, no pity, no sympathy, nor anger or even hatred. Killing Thabanaso had no meaning for me except that of a work being done. My heart was ice.

I turned around to look at the battlefield. The army on both sides had slackened.

Asamoh was already dealt with by the avatars. The moment my eyes found her, she had already become a pile of ashes. The wave of battle all around me started to ebb. Only a few giant hordes were left. Surrounded by our army and without their leaders, they were easily defeated.

At last, the heat of the battle subsided and left nothing behind. But a big void still wormed inside my heart. A huge void that only one could fill.

But where was the Demon King, the thief who took my wife?

'You shall find her', a faint voice echoed inside my head. I wondered if it was the voice of Hanuman or the other gods. 'You shall find her, but you must face Ravana alone.'

The night began to fall.

The fallen soldiers piled all over the field. The living ones embraced their victory for now, but we all knew the battle was not yet over.

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