Chapter 26

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Racing through forest, meadows, and hillsides, I finally reached the great plain. I looked down to the raging battle and was paralyzed by a dreadful sight. Our force could barely assemble. They were rounded from all sides. Slain to their feet were heaps of disintegrating demons, dead bodies of our soldiers, dead elephants, and horses and the ashes of burning chariots.

This was the horror of wars. Where should this madness end? Was this harvest of death and dying not enough?

I could feel it. The ground was trembling. New hordes were coming. Like a stampede of elephants, they came over the mountains, crossing the river—demons and giants and beasts. Both the big monsters and the small glorified in their master's game.

"Take arm!" Issarak's voice rang from somewhere I couldn't see. I knew he'd been holding up with the King and his trusted friends, Ravi and Vijay. The latter avatar had multiplied himself into the warrior Marutas, but now I could only see a few of his duplicates around the field.

Again, our soldiers formed a wall of spears. But they were slower this time. It was harder to bring them into position. Behind them, the swordsmen let their arms hanging in exhaustion as they held their shields. They didn't look like they could survive another onslaught.

Tepi raised her conch again. Before the sound of her conch could be heard, a whirling ball of fire flew from the sky towards them. The earth split open, sending chunks of rocks and earth everywhere. A quarter of our soldiers were blown into the air. Fire spread.

One shadowy figure appeared, coming down the hill on a chariot drawn by ten black horses. He wore a richly crafted armor which shrouded him to his neck. Carried with him were weapons used in battle, a bow, a spear, a staff and a trident. All were studded with bosses of gold. The metal of his chariot wheels gleamed red like the bleeding sun.

At last, Ravana rode into the battlefield for the first time. The Demon King's flaming eyes flared and his wide mouth opened in a howl of viciousness. He came to a halt before the crowd of his army. The Asuras gathered themselves around him in the shape of a half-moon.

The sight of his face made my blood boil like bubbling lava. My heart stopped beating for a split moment then raced furiously again. The rage and grief melted into one, forcing a scream out of my mouth, a wild angry sound that shook my whole being.

Everyone turned their heads, the humans, and demons, looking at me in frozen shock and joy. Gajasimha pounded his massive paws against the ground as he roared the loudest roar that scared even the toughest of man.

The avatars saw me and breathed in awe and disbelief. I survived. I was back another time to fight with them, wading through the sea of death and blood together. The rest of the enemy began to break apart like I was a knife that would cut through them.

Now the sun got low and the sky turned redder. The shadows became long as our soldiers raised their shields and swords once more time.

The kings and princes took up my war cry. Our whole front was yelling with new found vigor. The war horns then swept away the cries and the conch made the earth tremble.

Both sides came to a standoff, and for the first time, we were face to face with Ravana, the King of Asuras.

The avatars grouped around me when I reached them. Some patted the legs of my mount as if for good luck.

"Nikita, you shouldn't have come, your wound..." Tepi said. Her face and clothes were all dirty from fighting as the rest of the others.

"I am fine," I said and she saw something in my eyes and did not say another word. Then I turned to the others.

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