Chapter 6

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Our boat cruised slowly through the tranquil river for a long time. Then we caught sight of dancing light from the riverbed. We all dropped our jaws. Rising out of nowhere was a palace like nothing I had ever seen. Columns of jade rocks with fluorescent walls surrounded the vast area. Manicure gardens of rainbow-colored weeds and stones decorated every corner. Gems and rubies paved the winding paths. Then the boat landed on the soft muddy bottom.

"Your ride is over," the oarsman said. We took it as our cue to get off. I gingerly stepped outside, feeling quite jumpy at the strange new world around us. Atith seemed excited while Samudra and Tusita didn't seem so impressed.

"My father's palace is better," she said with a shrug.

For a while, we had to walk through a field of dancing weeds and curious fishes. Until we emerged again, we found a massive rocky gate. There were gigantic green-scaled men guarding the gold-inlaid stone entrance.

"Who's there?" one of the men yelled out in alarm. In a blinding speed, a dozen fish-like men quickly surrounded us, pointing their conch spear at our throats. Their bodies and faces had patches of scales, fins and gills. My mouth went dry even I was actually underwater.

"We're not enemies," Tusita said, holding her empty hands to prove it. "We wish to speak to your king."

"Who are you?" another guard asked. His eyes were large and all black like a fish's.

"We're the avatars of the Meru gods," Atith answered, trying to give an impression of superiority. "Tell your king we have come to visit him."

"Do you have an invitation from His Majesty?" he said.

I pulled out the god's scale from my bag and held it up to show them.

"This belongs to the Naga King," I said, "I'm sure it is his wish to see me."

The fishy men looked at the sparkling scale in my hand and then nodded at each other. I could see something passed between their large eyes. Then they turned to us again.

"Follow us, mortal and godlings."

The gate rolled open with a rumbling sound, and a gentle light greeted us from the inside. We walked behind the guards like well-behaved captives. Through corridors lit only by the glows of gems, we craned our heads around, gawking at the glittering walls. They were encrusted with minerals of every hue. Rose quartz, crystals, pink diamonds, spiky red cinnabar, all embedded on the forest green ceilings made of jade and topaz. Some corners of the palace walls were transparent, some were rainbows of tourmaline, amethyst, garnet, and opal. The floor was lit like a dream. All the allure of the palace was truly like no other.

"O Meru gods, I take it back, this is one of the most beautiful palaces I've ever seen," Tusita breathed.

"The Nagas are a wealthy race I tell you," Atith said.

The guards asked us to wait while others carried our message to their sovereign. We stood in a chamber lit by glowing crystals. After a long moment later, the door opened again and instead of the guards, came dancing women adorned with flowing dresses.

"Here comes entertainment!" Atith said in delight.

Distant music played as they circled around us. The women's perfumery hair swirled about their bare shoulders. They were graceful with swaying gait and flirty hips.

"My eyes feel so blessed," Atith said in pure awe.

"Right," Tusita scoffed. "Keep your mind wakeful, or these serpent maidens will lure you to their chamber and then swallow you whole."

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