Chapter 25

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My hands grasped at the air like a blind person, trying to get hold of something. There were voices all around me. But they made no sense in my mind. I must have been crying or screaming for I felt hands holding me down.

"Where are the twins!?" someone cried. "Bring them here now!"

"Oh, Meru gods have mercy! What in the Seventh Hell did you all think, going into a trap like that?"

"Out of the way! Out of the way! The boys are here!"

But the last thing I heard was my own voice calling out to Amarisa.

Then a long stretching nothingness prevailed. No measures of time and space existed after that. Everything was silent and dark. But the calmness didn't last long. My body felt like it was plunged into the fire then frozen into ice. The colors and sounds returned, but they were of horrible shapes and ranges inside my head.

In the midst of it all, the vision came to me again. It was the scene of the war, which was still raging on the battlefield. Though I was not there physically, I saw everything as if I were everywhere in spirit.

A mighty uproar rose high into the dawning. The war began with both sides armed and ready.

Tepi blew her conch. The sound never failed to shake the whole earth. A thousand faces lifted and screamed in unison. The demons began to break apart, scrambling backward with terror. Issarak bared his teeth as he charged ahead on his chariot. He raised his gleaming celestial spear, the Val, firing energy blasts at the wave of demons.

Samudra was holding off a new force of Asuras crossing into our world through the surging river. They sailed on a hundred boats. But they got capsized. Some drowned along the way, but not those who could turn to fish or expand in size, and they kept coming still.

Not all demons were cowards and not all of them feared the children of the gods.

Soon both armies clasped against each other, hacking and stabbing. Our human warriors battled against the ones on Ravana's side. The avatars charged at the massive giants and the horrid herds of ancient monsters.

Tepi and Raksa fought their foot soldiers on the ground while Tusita and Vorac took the sky battle. Atith rode his chariots through the wave of grey bodies. His sun horses blazed streams of fire over them.

Ravi, Issarak, and the avatar of Marutas fought against a horde of giants and monstrous beasts.

But it seemed as though the demons would never stop coming. When one fell, the other took his or her place.

The next day, the fight was the same. Our army was weakened slowly. Tusita's mighty Gandiva did severe destruction on the enemy, but she was now starting to get weary. Her poisoned hand, though had been tended by the twins, began to throb after summoning too many powerful arrows. Morokot set fire on the feet of a colossal giant. The giant fell upon the others, causing a minor earthquake.

Then a horrible thing happened.

Unseen by Atith, a demon climbed onto his chariot and got beside him, spear in hand, and wounded him in the middle of his arm below the elbow, the point of the spear going right through his flesh. Atith was convulsed with pain, but not even for this did he leave off fighting.

He grasped his spear that flew as fleet as the wind and pierced the demon in the eye. The demon instantly burst into a plume of black dust. But another one struck the avatar with a bronze-shod spear from behind. His golden armor deflected the blade, but the force shoved him forward. He collapsed over the back of his sprinting fire-breathing horses. Two Rakshasas seized him by the legs and dragged him off the chariot. Vorac tried to save him by shooting the demons from above, but they took under cover of their shields.

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