Chapter 10

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The next few weeks were the calmest. There was no more training. Every day, Amarisa and I went to visit my mother. She was overjoyed that we were back together and blessed us with many blessings. Though she insisted she was well, I was still worried as she showed little signs of full recovery.

In the evening, my friends came to visit us. We sat around the low-burning hearth, talking about everything under the heavens. Amarisa was close beside me, her hand stroking Malis as she listened to us.

But one particular night, the fire in the hearth suddenly burst with sparks. It roared and wagged with lustrous flames. We recoiled from the flare.

"What's happening?" I cried.

"My father, Agni," Morokot said. The glow softened. Then standing before us was the messenger god himself. He did not appear in his full form on the old ram as before. This time, his flaming body lingered in miniature scale within the fire.

We all bowed to him in respect.

"Nikita, Child of Prophecy," the fire god said my name.

"Lord Agni," I replied with a bow.

"I'm here to warn you that speculation and rumor are racing down every corner of the blessed earth," he said. "Now the prophecy is being woven into reality. All deities have to leave your realm. The gods sent you a message of warning that the godless month is near. You must get ready for the upcoming war."

"Tell us more of the rumor you spoke of, Lord Father," Morokot said eagerly. "We need to know about our enemy's strength."

His other head turned to her.

"An old immortal demon shall be the avalanche to all destructions if you fail to slay him."

The god's radiant red eyes flickered back to me.

"The choice you shall make might suffer you one way or the other," he said, glancing between me and my princess. "Be prepared for the consequence."

With that, he regarded Amarisa with a slight trace of a shadow on his face. It was of sympathy. Then Agni began to shimmer again before dissolving back into the flames.

"Wait, Father!" Morokot said. "Who is the demon?"

But the god was gone.


Later that night, I found Amarisa sitting poised like the first night of our wedding. But her face was marred with worries. Once she saw me, she came to hold me.

"If you have to fight in the war, you know I will go with you," she whispered.

"Indeed I have to fight, but you will not follow me," I said.

"But I am your wife!" she protested. "How could I sleep at night if I stay here while your life is at stake?"

"All the more reason, you shouldn't follow me, Amarisa," I said with a chiding frown. "It's a time of killing and cruelty. You must stay with my mother and wait for me here. I won't be alone in the battle. The avatars will be there to help me. Besides I own the most powerful sword handed by the gods. Nothing would harm me."

"The sword?"

I realized she did not know I had broken my oath.

"Forgive me, Amarisa," I said. "I had to..."

"Oh no, no! You don't understand," Amarisa cried and shook her head hopelessly. "You promised me not to wield, oh why?"

"Amarisa, listen, my love," I said. "I needed to do it. Yes, I know the blade is cursed and whoever possesses it never lives long! But the curse only falls to the unjust owner. I am not like Ravana, so there is no need to be worried."

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