Chapter 19

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Another day passed as the sun graced over the mountains. The King summoned everyone to the council again.

By now, they all knew what had happened. The big tent flap opened, again and again as people kept arriving. Tepi, Ravi, Vorac came in first. Atith, Samudra, Morokot, Tusita, and Issarak along with his avatar friends entered the tent later.

Other kings, princes, and generals sat waiting to hear the council. The last to come into the room was the son of Yama.

"Raksa?" Tepi said with a disapproving frown when she saw him. "Where on earth have you been? We are in deep crisis and you were nowhere to be found!"

"Forgive me, my love," he said. "I so wished to be by your side, but my duty in the Netherworld delayed me."

Tepi gave him a death glare.

"What duty?" Tusita said. "We had been fighting demons left and right while you were only mindful of the dead! Didn't you know the princess has been abducted?"

"Of course I do! But my father needed help to guard the imprisoned Asuras in his kingdom," Raksa said. "There's a pending chaos even in the world below."

The King stood from his seat and raised his hand to stop their bickering. He seemed less agile as his Queen was absent from the meeting. I heard that she had fallen ill, and the twins were tending to her.

"A terrible calamity has struck my family," the King said. His eyes still bore the look of grief, but his voice spoke with determination. "Now I urge you ready your steads and armors for tomorrow we are going to war."

"But Your Majesty, our men are reeling with doubt and fear," one of the generals said. "They saw what the demons are capable of and how we are powerless to stop them. Now it troubles their mind."

"Yes, besides they know we're outnumbered, they think we are going to lose."

"We need more force!" Issarak suggested. "We can't fight with feeble-hearted men; otherwise the end shall be upon us."

"Every soldier in this camp is all we have, my young avatar," one of the generals spoke to him. "We have no other allies to lean on for more force."

"What?" Issarak exclaimed. "Then I shall pray to my father for his divine help."

"Don't waste your energy in prayers. The gods can't help us now," Tusita said to him. "The ancient law forbids them. The godless month has arrived. Now we are on our own."

Everyone sighed in distress. I looked at the councilmen. They once looked upon me for hope, now they seemed to avoid my eyes.

"What other option do we have?" Atith asked.

"I have an idea if you would hear me," Raksa said out of the blue.

"Indeed, do tell us," the King spoke.

"In the realm of Naraka, there are innumerable souls who were once great warriors and generals. Some of them have secured their seats in my father's court. We could convince them to help us as they're not bound by any law on earth or heavens."

Even Tepi was also impressed by his brilliant proposal.

"Will your father allow it?" Samudra asked curiously.

"I don't know, but I must try to persuade the lord."

"Yama is the God of Justice," Tepi added. "He can't be easily persuaded."

"I know that, but this seems to be our only chance," he said. "After all, we're seeking the help not from the gods or mortals, but from the dead. It's not against the sacred rule, is it not?"

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