Chapter 15

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Anders Shields piloted his helicopter towards Yellowstone National Forest. An hour ago he had received information that cameras equipped with facial recognition technology recognized Emma's features on a bus headed north on Wyoming Rd 89. It was a random stroke of luck because there were not a lot of traffic cameras stationed north of Utah. He was depending on the description of the van that accompanied the report and other surveillance cameras along the highway that his crew were hacking and following at this moment.

His helicopter was followed by two others and the pilot of one of them said, "Left flank is clear of any targets," over the headphones.

There were spotters in all three, heavily armed, helicopters, but they weren't quite where Anders believed subject 1673 was headed. There had been a lot of activity involving The Alliance near the national grasslands in North Dakota and he believed that if they monitored all possible routes in that direction, they would find S. 1673 and possibly people of some interest to the organization.

They were approaching Yellowstone and had security clearance to fly low through the national park. Anders was betting on the cameras that were located at the entrance of the park to confirm his suspicions about the direction the bus was taking.

At this time they were flying over West Thumb Lake and all its grandeur. He couldn't believe how close he was to actually capturing S. 1673 who was now calling herself Emma. He didn't usually have any involvement with the recruits that were trained as assassins, but Emma had been a special case.

She had been allowed to mingle and meet with top officers in the organization and Anders had had the privilege of a brief one-night stand with the woman. He knew that she had only seduced him in order to be assigned to a high paying risky assignment, but he had used her back all the same. Now he was excited at the prospect of seeing Emma again and perhaps doing some similar bartering depending on the situation that was about to present itself.

"Confirmation of van entry," said a voice that came over the headphones. It was the crew that was still stationed on the ground.

Anders was thrilled that he was both correct in his prediction and that he was going to be bringing Emma back to the organization, hopefully with a short rest stop in between.

The formation of helicopters turned in the direction that control gave them and started to keep on the lookout for the white bus.

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