Chapter 27

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Night fell on the hotel where Emma's group had finally decided to hole up. Sophia had received confirmation that the Victorian Compound had indeed been invaded by the Agency.

Sophia moved around a lot and Thomas sensed the tension that was building in her. It was contagious and he felt a tight ball in his chest. His internal conflict came from controlling his impulse to constantly touch Emma. There were times when he had to purposely walk to the other side of the small motel room to escape this magnetic force that was pulling him to her.

Everyone seemed to have something happening inside because the room was quite all except for Josephine, who was wobbling between all of the adults in the room.

Emma had sat in a brown chair in the corner and seemed to be in another one of her new trances and Thomas stole glances at her.

Sophia's tension finally exploded, "Emma!" she hissed, as if she wanted to scream, but was afraid the walls had ears.

Emma jumped and looked up at Sophia, "Huh?" was all that came out.

"We've waited for you to get it together long enough, it's time for you to help us go get our other people. If our safe houses keep getting compromised like this, then we're going to all end up prisoners in the Agency."

Emma adjusted herself in the brown chair, "The problem with you all is that none of you seem to believe in guns," she said. "With that, none of you seem to be military trained. I have no idea where to start to get your people out of the Agency. I don't even know where they are."

"They're in Pennsylvania," Sophia said. "The Alliance let me know when they told me about the Victorian Compound being invaded, and we do have people who are previous military. We're just waiting for you to lead us. You have to know something about their base in Pennsylvania."

Thomas watched Emma for a reaction. It seemed as if the exhaustion that had been plaguing her was taking its hold again because her face seemed to be slowly turning to stone. Thomas shivered. There was something he saw in her eyes, the old look when he first met her. The compulsion to touch her left his body and he turned to look through the curtains of the small motel window. He heard her say, "I will help you with a plan after I get some sleep."

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