Chapter 37

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Thomas awoke tangled in the various sheets and blankets in the bed. He had a moment of disorientation as a small trickle of light illuminated the room from outside the window. He wasn't sure if it was dawn or dusk. Either way, his body felt rested and completely invigorated.

In a whirlwind they had made love, showered, eaten, made love some more and had absolutely relished in each other. There was something other-worldly about the entire experience, as if all of his senses were heightened and everything was new and overwhelming.

He untwisted himself and stepped out of the bed. He was still timid enough to find a pair of shorts to put on before walking out of the bedroom into the living area. Emma was not there and he found her out on the back deck that overlooked an entire forest of trees and more mountains beyond.

The rays of the sun were blotting out many of the stars, but you could still see a few. She sat there on a cushioned, high-backed bench wrapped in a giant white comforter, which she opened for him and offered him to come in.

He accepted her invitation and they sat staring at the sun slowly rising. Well, now. At least I know it's morning, he thought to himself.

"I wonder if everyone else got away," he thought out loud. They hadn't done much talking since arriving at this cabin that she had manifested for them.

"I think so," she said.

"Maybe we should go back to civilization at some point and find out," he suggested. "Possibly even figure out where we are."

"Thomas," she said as she turned to him, "it doesn't matter what we do now, we could just stay here forever."

He was pretty sure she meant it. "What do you think about your powers?" he asked.

She moved her hand to his hair and played with it in her fingers. The feeling sent shivers throughout his entire body. She smiled like she knew exactly what every touch she gave him did.

"I think I don't know everything about them," she said. "Part of me doesn't care, though. It's like I know if I stay still long enough everything will come to me. All of the knowledge that I need will fill me up. Like the Buddha sitting under the bodhi tree, I just have to sit and let it come, but there is time for that. Whether I know or don't know doesn't matter."

"Oh, Emma," he said, "you're kind of talking in circles." His speech seemed a little blurred from the pleasure that emanated from her fingers in his hair. Now they stroked down the side of her face. He was getting lost in her.

She lifted her other hand and stroked both sides of his face and down his arms, "Now do you see what I mean?"

The shock of bliss that hummed in him hypnotized him. Nothing mattered out there, nothing would ever matter as much as this moment. He pulled her close and began kissing her.

Chapter 39

After weeks of enjoying each other, Emma felt that she had to satisfy Thomas' need to touch base with the average everyday world. Her mind's eye could see many possibilities in which they just stayed in the forest together and soaked up life. Yet, she knew Thomas would ground her and keep her in the flow of mortal energy. She didn't want to seduce him to the point that he lost his uniqueness in her. She loved his soul.

She manifested a computer and purchased them tickets back to the United States. With ease, they flew home and found that the Alliance members had indeed made it back to their safe houses. They had not heard anything from the Agency and were in a relative state of safety and security.

Sophia was thankful to Emma, but suspicious of her based on the escape experience back at the Agency building.

As months went by, Thomas connected with the people at the Alliance to figure out how they would move forward from this. Many people were curious about Emma's connection to the Nexus.

Emma saw the Nexus whenever people got together to manifest it, but explained to those around her that it was just clarity. That it was all the different possibilities that could occur with the right circumstances. That people who saw it were tapping in to their potential for happiness or complete and utter annihilation. She gave talks to anyone who wanted to listen and demonstrated her ability to manipulate objects when the mood struck her.

But mostly she sat.

She moved herself to the Victoria Compound and could be found sitting for hours. Thomas was always nearby, although he continued to work in the thick of it. Emma, though, just walked and sat out in the fields of North Dakota, feeling the energy of the world. Opening herself to all.

One night while they lay in bed together Thomas asked Emma, "Why do you think you went through everything that happened to you?"

Emma thought about it for a while, "There are many sayings that go back to this idea that without darkness light cannot exist. Martin Luther King Jr. said that only light can drive out darkness and Thich Nhat Hanh says that without the mud there can be no lotus."

"So do you think maybe some people who suffer as much as you can be powerful like you?"

"Not necessarily," she said. "People don't need to continue to suffer to learn from suffering. Humanity is on the edge of evolving into beings like me, or completely self-destructing. Each individual does not need to suffer the way I have. There is enough suffering in the history books for all to feel a level of empathy that would pull them out of these patterns of destruction. As I sit, day-by-day, I feel my complete connection with the source of all living things. I am the result of billions of years of the universe expressing itself."

She turned on her side and faced Thomas in the pale light. "You are too," she said. His heart swelled. "Individually all of your experiences brought you to this perfect moment, but on a cosmic level you are experiencing something to contribute to the source."

"So you think all humans will become like you one day?" he asked. She could see the hope in his eyes.

"If the circumstances align themselves, if people make their individual choices to contribute to the peace of the whole."

"What will happen if we self-destruct?" he asked.

"It won't matter," she answered.

"How can you say that?" he sat up. She was always talking like this lately.

"Oh, Thomas," she said and placed her hand on his knee. He felt that tingle that always pulled him in. "Why are you so worried? Just be with me now, just be here. Nothing matters when we're just here."

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