Chapter 30

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Alexis was excited. More excited than he wanted to be. Much more excited than he should be.

He stared at the one-way mirror as 1673 opened her eyes. Emma, he thought. I could go ahead and call her that, the name she picked for herself. She was sitting in a plain metal chair that was bolted to the ground. The restraints around her wrists and ankles were shackled to the floor around the chair. There was a small wooden table in front of her and she lurched for it as her drowsiness wore off.

Alexis walked to the door that led into the room and opened it. He did his best to push back his emotions. The world out there had changed her, but just a little. He could still mold her back, with the proper tools.

"We were meant to be together, my dear," he vibrated at her. "I didn't find you by accident. Didn't rescue you from that hovel and make you more powerful than you could ever imagine through a mere coincidence."

He walked around the room behind Emma. Then he bent down and talked softly in her ear, "I was called to you, called to the part of your heart that is cold. You and I are the same, we are different sides of a coin. You need me." He realized that he was shaking.

Emma whimpered, "I hate you," she coughed.

Alexis laughed. "You hate yourself more," he stood up and walked around to face Emma. "You are the most ruthless person I have ever met besides myself. Who kills their own mother and her boyfriend at eleven years old?"

Emma sniffed, and closed her eyes.

Alexis smiled and walked out of the room.

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