Chapter 32

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Alexis could feel it in Emma. He could feel her power building. His own power was no match for it and he had to stop it. He had controlled Emma her whole life through the pain. He had turned her into a killer so that she could never feel pure or whole again and here she was practically glowing with it! Alexis was tapped in, everything he wanted was always at his fingertips. He knew what he had to do.

He led subject 1673 down the corridor, deeper into the office building that he had designed to camouflage perfectly within the Appalachian landscape. They turned and walked through a door led to a large room. The walls were concrete gray and each wall contained a picture window that was similar to the one in the room that Emma had just left. This time Emma was on the other side looking in.

Through each window there were the people that Emma was trying to protect when she had left them back in North Dakota. Alexis noticed how Emma's eyes came to rest on the woman holding the baby girl in the room directly in front of them.

He leaned over and pressed a red button on the wall. "Let's start with the baby."

He felt the shock run through Emma's body. That's right, he thought. This was her Achilles tendon, this would be the type of pain he could inflict. If it didn't work this way he would have to kill her. He wasn't sure how the consequences of that action would affect him. There would be some hell to pay until he found a replacement for her,

The energy in the was electrifying as one of the guards entered the room with the baby from a door that was attached to that room. Alexis knew that eliminating these people just might make her snap back into place.

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