Back with another chapter, hope you like it😘 Gilinsky's pov: Three days after me and Shawn decided to become friends, we get a break from magcon before we head off to the the next show, up in cali where we meet up with Johnson. All the boys wanted to go explore the town before we leave tomorrow , but me and Shawn decided to branch off from the other guys and hang out just the two of us. We had gotten to know each other pretty well and we wanted to hang out just the two of us. I decided we should get out of the hotel so we went out to this cute little coffee shop down the street. We walked up to the counter and got our drinks "By the way you two make an adorable couple" the barista says handing us our drinks. I decided to play along with her thinking we're together by snaking my arm around Shawn's waist "awe thank you, today's actually our one year anniversary" Shawn immediately catches on and kisses me on the cheek. "Hahaha," Shawn laughs as we sit down at our table, "why did she think we were a couple?". "I have no idea, I guess we just make an adorable couple?" I say in my best teen girl impression, "ya know what, I say we go hangout in random places in Dallas and act like a couple, see if others think we're adorable" Shawn says only half joking sipping his iced chia latte. "I'm in, so where are we off to first?" "Wait- wha-really?" He stutters almost chocking on his drink. After the coffee shop me and Shawn walked around town, going into shops, asking strangers to take pictures of the in romantic poses, holding hands. On the way back to the hotel we saw a sweet old couple so we asked if they could take a tourist picture of us in front of the hotels garden. They took my phone and my and Shawn stood against the wall, I turned toward Shawn to kiss him on the cheek like those pose that we took turns doing in almost all of the pictures that had been taken. As I leaned in it looks like Shawn had the same idea, our lips touch accidentally but neither of us pull away. I felt so many sparks it was like someone set off firecrackers on my lips, I full on kiss him and he kisses me back. The old couple hands me my phone saying that we were so cute and she hopes that she's invited to the inevitable wedding and we walk back to the room in complete but comfortable silence. When We get back up to the room and Shawn goes to the bathroom to shower, and I lay down on my bed. I look at the picture the couple took of us outside, it was actually a really good picture. The light hit us in a way that made it look like the sun was our own personal spotlight and you could really see the feelings in the picture, it's funny it almost looked like we were in a committed loving relationship. Shawn comes back into the room in just a pair of basketball shorts after about 20 minutes. "Ya know most of these pictures actually came out really good" I say breaking the silence "really? Let me see" he says as he jumps on to my bed. Sitting right next to me, I was extremely relieved that things aren't awkward for him after the kiss. "here, this is the one we took in the park" they looked like we were posing for prom, he laughed and continued scrolling "oh the one where the girl started crying about who adorable we were" "Oh god this is the picture where the douchey guy yelled out the window, look at how angry we look" we both laugh, he stops scrolling when he got to the last picture.
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(An; obviously not Shawn and jack, it's a cute couple the one supposed to be Shawn is Jackson and the one supposed to look like jack is named Dylan.) "This ones actually really good," he raised his eyebrows and continued "I'm starting to see what that barista did" I laughed "Yeah I mean seriously, it looks like we've seriously got the hots for each other in this" "yeah, we do I mean like couple goals dude, and also can we just give props to that couple they really know how to take a picture. If we do get married we should hire them as our photographer, they already want to come" We laughed and continued joking and talking about how interesting the day was, until i looked at the time and realized that we had to leave in an hour seeing as it was 4 am. "Woah we've been talking for a long time" I laughed looking back at Shawn, he smiled "we can sleep on the bus" and with that he got up and started packing. I laughed and did the same, "can I ask you a kinda blunt question?" Shawn asks. My heart starts racing, "Umm sure go ahead" I say "things aren't suddenly get awkward and weird after today is it?" I sigh in relief but I can still almost taste my heartbeat, "no, if anything I think the whole day brought us closer together" I laugh. "Okay good, I really didn't want it to ruin our friendship" he pauses "cause we are good friends now" The last part of that sentence stung for some reason, I know that's all we are 'friends' but it just kinda hurt hearing it out loud. Shawn bro hugs me and I feel his bicep in the process, god they were amazing. I just thought about how much I wanna cuddle against him, and kiss him over and over again but I can't. Ugh this boy is gonna be the death of me. A/n: I'm having writers block right now I'm sorry about the super short chapter. The next one I'm gonna try for 5,000 words. Also sorry this chapter wasn't the best