The End

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Ness's PoV

After asking Master Hand, we're allowed to return to the smash mansion whenever we want. I pretty much touched the roof with my head, I jumped so high. We can also bring friends with us, if we ask Master Hand first. They aren't allowed to go to the top floor of the mansion, but are free to go anywhere else.

I met all of Lucas's friends and he met all of mine. We get along good. We actually showed off what we learned during the smash tournament, including different techniques and combos. We even gave them a show with a mini tournament of our own. Lucas won, actually. He's good. He's great. He's amazing. He's spectacular. He's perfect.

"I'm not that good, Ness." Lucas smiles and blushes wildly. He hugs me and kisses my forehead. I stand on my toes and kiss the tip of his nose. He giggles and hugs me tighter.


It's night time and Lucas and I are sitting on the bridge, looking into the stars. I lean against his shoulder and he rests his head on my head. He puts his arm on my shoulder and I never want to leave. But, since time is a whore that never stops sucking, I need to be home soon.

"I fucking love you, Lucas." I say, turning my head and kissing him.

"I fucking love you too, Ness." Lucas says back, turning and staring into my eyes. We sit in silence for a few moments.

"W-Want to get married?" I blurt out, not realising what I said until too late.

"M-Married?" Lucas says, staring into the stars. "That sounds... radical."

We kiss each other and look back up at the stars, closer than ever. Maybe I'll go home a bit later.


I'm standing at the altar, Lucas in front of me. Sitting in the seats are my family, my friends, Lucas's family, Lucas's friends and even a telephone with my dad on the line. I smile and stare dreamily into Lucas's eyes. Lucas keeps on nodding his head towards Master Hand, who is saying something.

I'm not paying attention until Lucas kisses my lips, cupping my cheeks with his hands. I kiss back, softly putting my hands on the sides of his chest.

He pulls away and looks into my eyes.

"I love you." He whispers.

"I love you too."

Did you like it?

I liked it, I guess.

Give me like feedback or something when I get something wrong, please.

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