~ Chapter 1 ~

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In the middle of a beautiful meadow was a young blond haired girl, she lets out a giggle as a purple butterfly fluttered from one of the tulips to the young girls arm. At a young age the small girl was taught that all animals and plants had their own destines; like the deer's of the woods, they were made to feed her tribe as did the berry bushes.

"Eleanor!" The young girl turns around and smiles brightly at her mother, she waves the women over

"Look mommy" She squealed in delight "It likes me"

"It sure do kitten" Her mother whispers softly, stroking her daughters hair. Eleanor gained the name kitten; when she first shifted at the age of six it was into a tabby cat. Now at almost eight the young girl could shift into a wolf.

Unlike skin changers, the shifters could turn into a number of animals but tend to stick to only one or four as it takes a lot of energy in shifting into new animals.

The loving sight of mother and daughter laughing with happiness was all about to change.

Eleanor and her parents were feasting in their kitchen, when the sound of screams filled through the air. Both parents paled, while the young girl look around confused. The father nod to the mother, in a silent conversation, he wanted her to get their daughter out safe from harm. . . But at what cost?

"Come Eleanor" The mother quickly pulls the girl into her arms, she turns to her husband and kisses his lips "Be safe" She whispers, a tears rolled out of her eyes. . .This could be the last time she sees him.

"I love you both" The father says, looking loving at his wife then to his daughter. He places a kiss upon her forehead "Be strong and brave my little kitten"

"I will papa" With one final look at his family, he left the house shifting into a powerful Bengal tiger. The mother dragged Eleanor out the back door and into the forest. The sound of laughter haunted their ears as there headed further in.

In a split moment everything went wrong, the young girl fell over; letting out a painful cry. This causes a Warg to freeze on the spot and turn around, heading straight for the mother and child "Quick Kitten" The mother shifter into a eagle "Shifted kitten" The young girl obeyed her mother and shifted into a tabby kitten, the kitten bounces over to her mother and jumps on her back, as she was about to take flight a arrow embedded into her wing, making her cry out.

"Mommy" The kitten cried out, the mother shook off the pain and took of into the skies in search for a safe place for her baby.

After hours of flying, the pain was becoming too much, causing her to crash land in the shire; filled with hobbits, though it was late, so no one was about. "Mommy" The young girl shifted back and hopped off her mother, she raises her hand and softly strokes her neck.

"Kitten" She cried out.

"Help please help" Eleanor cried out, hoping that someone would hear. A door behind them opens up and a brown haired women with a man followed behind her "Please help" Her tears filled her eyes and began to over flow.

"Please look after my child" The mother spoke, the couple gasp as she shifted back to human "Please" she begged.

"What are you?" The woman asked, walking closer, while the husband stayed back.

"Shape shifters" She looks in the women's eyes with a pleading look "We were raided by Orcs" She explained, sighing as she felt her daughter snuggle into her side "Her name is Eleanor or kitten" She forced a smile "So far she can shift into a tabby cat and a wolf"

"But I can do more when I'm older" Eleanor butted looking at the women then her mother "Isn't that right mommy?"

Her mother nodded "She should only be able to shift into four animals" She explained "Most likely a tiger and eagle from me and her father" The women nodded and looked back at her husband, both agreeing to taking the child in.

"We will take care for her like she is our own"

The mother burst out in tears "Thank you" She looks down at her daughter; who stared back at her with innocent eyes "Now you listen to me kitten" The young girl nodded and pulled closer to her mother; if that was possible "Mommy has to leave, I'm going to be joining your grandparents"

"But mommy" The girl protested.

"You won't be able to see me, for a while" Tears fell down the women's face, as it did to the husband and wife who were silently watching "Mrs ..."

"Belladonna Baggins"

"Bungo Baggins"

The mother nodded "My name is Kara" she smiled softly to then before turning her attention back to her daughter "Their going to look after you now, your going to do as your told and help in anyway you can and above all protect them if any danger comes through her"

"Yes mommy" The girl sobbed out, and hugged her mother "I love you"

"I love you too my sweet kitten" She places a kiss on her head and picks her up, placing her in the arms of Belladonna "Thank you"

"Your welcome" Belladonna "I will raise her to never forget you or her kin" With one final nod Kara left her only daughter in the hands of another family; this alone killed her inside all the pain from the arrow was forgotten.

Eleanor sniffed as she watched her mother figure get smaller and smaller, she turns her head to her new parents and give them a forced smile "Come on little one lets get you to bed" The hobbits guided her into the hole and to a spare room "In the morning you can meet Bilbo"

"Who is Bilbo?" She asked tilting her head, in confusion.

"Well I guess he's your brother now" Her lips twitched, she now has a brother as well.

That night Belladonna stayed with the young girl as she fell asleep, It pained the hobbit lass to know that the beautiful young girl had gone through so much and it was up to her and the family to help in anyway their can.  

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