~ Chapter 4 ~

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Later that very evening Bilbo and Eleanor settled down for supper, Bilbo had cooked two fish he had bought earlier that day from the market, along with homemade bread baked by his sister.

"This looks wonderful Bilbo" Eleanor beamed at her younger brother, earning a huge smile from Bilbo.

"Thank you El" He replied, both sibling picked up their forks ready to dig in when a sudden knock on the door paused their actions.

The sibling shared a look, neither of them were expecting company. Bilbo left the table and headed to the door. It was only then did Eleanor think back to what the wizard had told her, before she could warn her brother about the guests they were about to receive her brother had opened the door.

Bilbo looked on in confusion at the sight of a dwarf on his door step "Dwalin" the unexpected dwarf said and bowed "At your service."

"Hm. Uh. . . Bilbo Baggins. . . At yours," Bilbo said awkwardly.

The dwarf looked at the hobbit skeptically before stepping in side without asking Bilbo, Dwalin looks around the room to see he was the first on to arrive.

"Do we know each other?" Bilbo asked, following behind the rude dwarf.

"No" Dwalin simple answered, taking off his coat the dwarf looks to the hobbit "Which way, laddie?" Dwalin questions before pointing in the direction of the dining room "Is it down here?" Dwalin asked.

"Is. . . Is what down where?" Bilbo stuttered.

"Supper" Dwalin answered and gave the cloak to Bilbo. "He said there would be food, and lots of it."

"He. . . he said? Who said?" Bilbo asked, even more confused. He hadn't a clue what was going on. Bilbo panicked as the dwarf headed to the same room his sister was. He quickly rushed in time to see the dwarf sitting down and dig into his and Eleanor's supper.

"El" he whispered, looking around the room.

"Did you say something laddie?" The dwarf questioned with his eyebrow raised.

"N-o" He stuttered out.

"I am certain you said El" He paused a moment looking down at the plates "Is someone else here?" Bilbo was about to speak of his sister when she jumped upon the table in her cat form.

Eleanor stared the dwarf down and the Dwarf stared back. In the matter of moments El felt a connection towards the dwarf. She wanted to be close to him, to hug and kiss him even to protect him. . . He was her mate.

She remembers Belladonna talking to her about finding her mate; her parents were mates. It was such a wonderful thing. However it only ever happened between the race of shifters and an outsider mate was very rare. El had read up on dwarves and other races, it was to be said that their have mates as well but they called them; Their One.

That too was rare outside the race of dwarves and unlikely as female dwarves are rarely born. Most dwarves tend to live for battle, weapons and gold.

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