~ Chapter 8 ~

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As Gandalf made his way over to Eleanor he felt the gaze of Thorin Oakenshield burn in the back of his head "I doubt he will agree Gandalf" Eleonor spoke up as the wizard gently scratched her head.

"We will see dear" Gandalf looks over at Bilbo, who was reading the contract "I know Thorin will not promise his safety if he does join" He stares down at the cat "I know you will do a good job in keeping him safe even if you have to reveal yourself to the company"

"I don't care for the company Gandalf" Eleanor stated firmly "Only Bilbo"

"We both that's not true dear one" Gandalf says, looking over at the dwarf Dwalin, Eleanor stares at the wizard and follows his gaze to her mate "I am happy for you" He gave the shifter one last stroke behind the ear before going back over to Thorin who then confirmed that he would not be responsable for the hobbit.

Eleanor turns her attention to her brother, she quickly scanned him over, she notice that he was looking slightly pale and a bit shaken but she could hardly blame him, not after Balin spoke about funeral arrangements "Term: cash on delivery, up to but not exceeding one fourteenth of total profit, if any. Seems fair. Eh, Present company shall not be liable for injuries inflicted by or sustained as a consequence thereof including but not limited to lacerations ... evisceration ... incineration?" Bilbo asked looking at the group of dwarves, he looked rather worried.

"Oh, aye, he'll melt the flesh off your bones in the blink of an eye." Bofur said making the hobbits face fall, his breathing increased, Eleanor stood up and moved closer to her brother.

"You alright laddie" Balin kindly asked.

Bilbo bends over looking rather sick "Uh, yeah. Feel a bit faint" He replied but that didn't stop Bofur from continuing his description.

"Think furnace with wings" Eleanor let out a hiss in anger. How could the dwarf not see that his words were not helping Bilbo in the slightest.

"Air, I- I- I need air" Bilbo stuttered out, his hands began to shake, his mind ran wild with the thoughts of been burnt alive by a dragon. The hobbit jumped a little in fright as Eleanor brushed up against him, she was hoping it would provide some comfort, Bilbo send her a shakey smile and tried to control his breathing.

"Flash of light, searing pain, then poof" When will this dwarf shut his mouth Eleanor thought to herself "You're nothing more then a pile of ash" The comfort her sister gave vanished, his breathing became heavier, Eleanor knew he was about to pass out and quickly moved out of the road so he wouldn't land on her.

"Hmm. Nope" He spoke before falling to the floor. Eleanor grumbled as some of the company laughed at her brother, she rushes over to him and began pawing at his face, hoping for him to wake up but she was having no luck in the matter.

"Ah, very helpful, Bofur." Gandalf said, raising from his sit, he walks over to the Baggins siblings "He's quite alright dear one" He whispers softly to Eleanor as he removes her from her brothers side. Gandalf then gently picks up the young hobbit before taking him out of the room.

"Did I say something wrong?" I rolled my eyes at Bofur's question, I never knew dwarves could be so stupid. Eleanor growled under her breath, she jumps on the table and stalks towards Bofur, she hisses as she gets closer and then with such speed claws him on the face "What th-e" He screams out a backs away from the cat.

"I've near seen a pets so protective over they owners before" Thorin commented eying the creature in front of him, Eleanor turns at the sound of his voice and hisses once more.

She really want to shift back or maybe into something much bigger and sort out these un mannered dwarves "ELEANOR" A vocie boomed out throught out the house, before she had the chance to change. The cat whined, her tail tucked in between her legs, her gaze settles on Gandalf the grey "Go to Bilbo" He ordered, she meows softly and follows his orders but not before sending a quick glare to Thorin and Bofur.

"I'm starting to think there is something up with that cat" Kili comments to the company.

"You have no idea" Gandalf muttered to himself before following Eleanor out the room. No one seemed to catch his words, well no one apart from Balin. He needed to know what was going on, he wanted to know, maybe in time he will learn the truth about the cat she was interesting and not an ordinary pet that much he knew.

The dwarves went to settle in the living room as Gandalf spoke to Bilbo, Eleanor goes into the livingroom to keep an eyes on the company, she was rather annoyed at not been able to harm Thorin or Bofur, however she knew it was wrong. Gandalf had scowled her for even thinking about it. Eleanor jumps on the fireplace and sits down, her eyes travel over the Dwarves before landing on her mate, she sighed at the sight of him. He sure was handsome leaning against the wall with his arms folded, his brother beside him. She notice the old dwarf staring at her, avoiding eye contact she removed her gaze to Thorin, he came over to the fireplace and stared into the fire.

Eleanor heart sank as the dwarves began humming a sad tune, then Thorin began singing.

"Far over the Misty Mountains cold
To dungeons deep and caverns old
We must away ere break of day
To find our long forgotten gold"

Most of the dwarves joined Thorin in singing.

"The pines were roaring on the height
The winds were moaning in the night
The fire was red, it flaming spread
The trees like torches blazed with light"

Eleanor felt for them, she really did. She knew what it was like to lose everything and everyone. In that moment she decided that if Bilbo didn't help them she would shadow them and help, after all her mate is with them. The shifter glance over at the dwarves one last time before jumping from the fireplace and retiring to her room for the night.

She could not wait for the adventure to begin.

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