~ Chapter 6 ~

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Eleanor raced home, jumping over small rocks that stood in her way. Finally she made it to the house; panting heavily from the run, she takes a breather and parks herself on the bench. The sound of singing reached her ears. Eleanor rolls her eyes at the dwarves, she really felt awful leaving her brother to deal with the bunch but she had to get out.

Eleanor stiffens at the sound of footsteps, her eyes narrowed on the figure coming up the road; Thorin. She quickly jumps up to the window to her bedroom. She always left it open when she went out in case she couldn't use the door; in other words she would leave the house without her brother knowing.

Eleanor lands on her bed and shifts back to open the door before transforming back into a cat. She rushes into the room to see the dwarves throwing plates. Her eyes catches her brothers, he raised his hand and ran his fingers through his hair. Eleanor go over to him and rub up against his leg "Where on earth have you been El?" He says, El could hear the frustration in his voice making her feel more guilty at leaving him.

Bilbo caught the look of sadness flash in his sisters eyes, he bends over and rubs her head with his hand "Never mind" He softly spoke earning a purr from his sister "Your here now" He take a breath and looks back to the dwarves "Which I'm glad for"

Eleanor looks around the room and spots the wizard, she jumps on the bookcase, walking across the top "El" Bilbo shouts.

Dwalin hears the fellow shout and looks up, his attention is captured by the little feline walking across a book case, heading toward the wizard.

Balin notices that his brother isn't paying attention to his fellow dwarves, he follows his gaze to the cat; he watch in amazement as the cat leaps from the bookcase and onto the shoulder of Gandalf. Now Balin didn't know if his old eyes were playing trick on him but he could of swore on Durin's name that the creature was talking to the wizard.

This confirms that this creature was more then she looked.

Eleanor sits on the wizards shoulder explaining what had gone on in the woods and that she had sent Thorin towards the house and he wasn't. Just as she finished speaking to him there was a knock on the door, the whole room went quite.

Their king and leader of the company had arrived.

Bilbo groans at the sound of knocking he was about to complain but Gandalf spoke up "He is here" Bilbo looks to him in confusion. Who was here? He watches as Gandalf goes to the door and opens it. Bilbo eyes widen at the man in front of him, he looked to tall to be a dwarf but still held the braids, beard and size of a dwarf. Bilbo felt his sister rub up against him in a sign of comfort at the new arrival.

"Gandalf" Thorin's soft but ruff voice greeted the wizard. He was glad he had finally made it to the right house and it was all thanks to Nora Took "I thought you said this place was easy to find" He says walking into the hobbit hole "I only found my way because of a lovely women named Nora Took helped me"

Bilbo frowned at the name; he didn't have a cousin called Nora "I don-" He begin to say but was cut of by one look from Gandalf. He saw the wizard look to his feet, Bilbo looks down to see Eleanor. She send him a innocent look.

Of course it would be his sister.

Thorin looks to the hobbit and checked him over, he had no idea why the wizard would pick this hobbit. He looks like he has never left the shire let alone travel middle earth to reclaim a homeland. Not to mention he hardly seemed fit to use a weapon. This hobbit will be a burden. Something catches his eyes a little movement by the hobbits feet it was a cat; it stared up at him with respect.

But how was that possible? It was a dumb animal. However he had to admit the colour of it's eyes looked familiar. But that was not possible, she was a young girl not moment's ago. Thorin shook his head and chose to ignore his gut on the girl been a cat. It was impossible.

He focuses his attention back to the hobbit "Bilbo Baggins, allow me to introduce the leader of our company Thorin Oakenshield" Gandalf introduced the King to Bilbo.

"So this is the hobbit? Tell me Mr Baggins, have you done much fighting?" Thorin asked, walking around him like a predator waiting to kill his prey.

"Pardon me?" Bilbo squeaked out with a nervous gulp. The dwarves exchange amused looks. This action alone made Eleanor's blood boil. If only she could shift back, she would give them a piece of her mind.

Gandalf reading the young women's mind quickly shot her a look and shook his head, making Eleanor huff in frustration.

"Axe or sword? What's your weapon of choice?" He replied in annoyance he wanted an answer now.

"Well, I do have skill at conkers, if you must know" Bilbo stuttered out, looking down at his sister then back up to the dwarf king "But I fail to see why that is relevant?" Bilbo answered confused.

Eleanor couldn't blame him, her dear brother had no clue what the gathering was about. Neither did she, all she knew was that she had to stay in one of her forms and that we would be leaving the shire together, that's if he accepts.

"Thought as much. He looks more like a grocer then a burglar" Thorin mocked. The whole company began laughing. Eleanor let out a hiss and stood in front of her brother.

Gandalf quickly shot her another look telling her to be quite but she just couldn't. This man had walked into their home and insulted her brother, what made her more angry was she couldn't do out without giving herself "Maybe you should watch what you say Thorin" Gandalf told the dwarf.

Thorin sent him a blank look "It's just a cat" He tells the wizard before heading into the dining room.

Gandalf, Eleanor and Bilbo watch as the others follow him. Once out of site Gandalf glares at the cat "Your going to give yourself away Eleanor"

Eleanor hisses and glares back at the wizard "He had no right to speak to my brother like that" She purrs as Bilbo rubs her ears. . . He was all she had left.

"It's alright El" Bilbo spoke up, he smiles a little as his sister sent him a look "Really it is"

Eleanor lets out a meow and rubs up against him "I'm sorry" She turns to look at the wizard, his face soften as she looks at him "You too"

Gandalf nods, he watches the siblings wander into the dining room. Gandalf let out a sigh, keeping her hidden was going to be hard. However at the same time amusing, he did wonder who would find of first; with that final thought Gandalf follows the sibling into the dining room.

What the wizard didn't realize was that a white haired dwarf had heard the conversation between the three. He had to rush back to the company before the siblings entered the room. The old dwarf couldn't believe what he had just heard. He was right, the cat was something different, something he hadn't seen before.

Two questions played on his mind; was she a danger to the company? But most of all was she was a danger to his brother?  

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