~ Chapter 15 ~

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The company began to set up the camp, as Eleanor took a look around the camp sniffing for the scent she had found upon arrival. Eleanor wasn't a expert in tracking but she could at least tell that the scent she came across was about a couple of hours old, so if they were lucky whatever it was had long gone but she didn't doubt it was still around and that terrified her. Eleanor walks over to the ruined house, sighing sadly at the smell of death, to her guess a farmer and his family died not to long ago; by the looks of things Gandalf thought the same.

"Fili, Kili, look after the ponies. Make sure you stay with them" Thorin ordered his nephews, the two young dwarves nodded their head obeying their uncles orders. Thorin turns to the rest of his company "Oin and Gloin get a fire started and Bombur get dinner going"

Eleanor watches Thorin walks up to Gandalf; by the looks of his face Gandalf isn't too happy "A farmer and his family used to live here" Gandalf uttered to himself as Thorin approaches him "I think it would be wiser to move on" Gandalf suggests to the king, but looking at Thorin, he could tell that Thorin was going to disagree with what he had to say "We could make for the Hidden Valley" Gandalf causally brought up the house of Elrond.

Thorin narrowed his eyes at the grey wizard, his anger spiked at his words. How could the wizard even think about voicing this suggestion? He questions himself "I have told you already, I will not go near that place" Thorin hissed at the wizard and walks passed him but pauses a moment to look back at him.

"Why not" Gandalf argued back, he really did hate the stubborn trait that dwarves seem to be raised to have "The Elves could help us" He says narrowing his eyes at the dwarf in front of him. Gandalf patients were running out, how does Thorin hope to achieve this quest or anything for that matter if he refuses help from everyone but dwarves "We could get food, rest and get advice" Gandalf listed the positives to Thorin from visiting the Hidden Valley.

However, Thorin wasn't having any of it "I do not need their advice" Thorin barked back.

Gandalf kept on trying to persuade the dwarf "We have a map that we can not read" He pauses a moment, taking a breath "Lord Elrond could help us" He says in a calm manner. Gandalf stares at Thorin and saw the hatred for the Elves in his eyes, it was then Gandalf knew that Thorin was not going change his mind, unless we stumble there by accident or as a last resort.

"Help?" Thorin questioned angrily at the wizard "A dragon attack Erebor. What help came from the Elves" He spat out, taking a breath before he continued to rant "Ocrs plunder Moria, desecrate our sacred halls. The Elves looked on and did nothing" Thorin comes face to face with the wizard "And you ask me to seek out the very people who betrayed my grandfather. Who betrayed my father" Thorin finished his rant.

"You are neither of them" Gandalf points out, finally losing his patient the wizard snaps at Thorin "I did not give you that map and key for you to hold onto the past" Gandalf has had enough, he needed to get away from the company before he completely loses it, who knows what he would do if he stays with that stupid stubborn dwarf.

"I did not know that they were yours to keep" Thorin snaps back with a huff, Eleanor was sat meters away from the pair her eyes moved back and forth watching the argument play out. Eleanor could tell that the dwarf King had really gotten under Gandalf skin, just moments later after Thorin had spoke Gandalf storms passed the company in a huff, he couldn't believe the stubbornness of that dwarf, he needed to cool down.

"Everything alright? Gandalf, where are you going?" Bilbo asked the wizard as he passed by the hobbit.

"Too seek company of the only one around here who's got any sense" Gandalf snapped.

"Who's that?" Bilbo curiously asked.

"Myself" He shouts back "I've had enough of dwarves for one day" Eleanor shots Thorin a glare as Gandalf appeared out of view.

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