~ Chapter 13 ~

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Balin watches as the cat gives an almost human like reaction before she sprints off into the woods "ELEANOR" the hobbit calls out, Balin looks at Bilbo who was stood with Gandalf. The wizard held onto the hobbit, to stop him from running after his sister "Bu-" He mutters out.

"Just give her time" He whisper softly to Bilbo. The interaction between the pair spiked the growing curiosity in Balin, he took note that the company was distracted; laughing and making fun at his brothers expense and sneaky moved towards the woods. He wanted answers, something just did not add up with this cat, casting another look at the company to see he had gone unnoticed and he heads into the woods to search for the cat.

Balin looks around but could see no sign of the cat. However the sound of muttering had caught his attention, he slowly and stealthily moved across the forest floor, avoiding stepping on branches and leaves on the ground, he did not want to scare whatever or whoever was muttering. Balin's heart began to race as he got closer to the muttering, until he found the source. . . . It was the cat. Balin looks at the cat in confusion animals do not talk. Moments later his breath caught in his throat and his heart stop as the cat transformed in to a young lass. "What in Durin's name" He uttered out mesmerised by what he had just seen, as the lass leaned against the tree breathing heavily.

"What just happened?" She whispered to herself, Balin chose this moment to step out of the bushes and stand behind the young lass. As if sensing his presents Eleanor lets out a breath and slowly turns around to face him.

She was a fair lass indeed, with pale skin, and beautiful blonde hair that flowed over her shoulder in natural waves. She was wearing that long sleeved blue dress that completed her curves, showing Balin that she was not a child, however she still looked young in age but what caught his attention most was the lovely ice blue eyes that where staring at him, shining within them was fear "I was just wondering the the same thing lass" Balin says gazing at the beautiful lass in front of him, recovering from the fact that she was a human being; it was a bit of a shock but explained a few things such as why the cat was giving off human reaction and he did most definitely hear her talk.

"I-I" Eleanor stutters out, Balin gives her a warm smile.

He moves closer to Eleanor "How about introduction" He softly tells her "Balin at your service lass" Balin bows at Eleanor.

Eleanor gives him a small smile, her heart races "Eleanor Baggins at yours sir" She tells him, bowing to Balin. She flinches a little as Balin stares at her, she could tell he was interested in learning what she was and why she was here.

"Forgive me lass but you are not a hobbit" Balin says, looking at the girl curiously.

Eleanor shook her head agreeing with the older dwarf "No I am not" She muttered out "I am Bilbo's adopted sister"

"What are you may I ask?" Balin questions, he was trying not to push the lass for an answer but he just couldn't help wanting to know, for the sake of his brother and their company. Even if she does seem harmless, what damage could a tabby cat cause.

Eleanor hesitate's with answering Balin's question. Gandalf told her to keep herself a secret until necessary, but to her luck someone found out before. . . . Would it matter if she told him the truth, he did see her change back from her cat form. Eleanor lets out a shaky breath and meets Balin's gaze "I am a shifter" She breaths out, Balin's eyes grew wide in shock of her answer.

He could not believe what Eleanor had said, his mind could not process it, but when it did he had all sorts off questions he needed answering, Balin continued to stare at Eleanor in disbelief making the girl feel uncomfortable. Balin notices this as the lass shifts awkwardly on her feet "Forgive me" Balin says with a slight bow "It's just" he pauses a moment, realising that Eleanor may be the last of her kin "I am having a hard time believing that you are in front of me lass" Eleanor stares at Balin, her eyes filled with tears that refused to spill over "What happened?" Balin questioned.

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